When the vessel is seen broadside on,
three lights will appear in the form of a
triangle, but when the vessel is seen end on,
the lights will appear as two lights.
The distinguishing lights will not be vi
sible except within the Channels, their pur
pose being, that on passing the Foriuby light-
vessel. and shaping a course for the Crosby
Channel, the Crosby floating light may be
readily distinguished from the Crosby shore
All bearings are magnetic. Yar. 21*
Westerly in 1809.
(No. 103-105 cf. Not. to Mar. No. 20.»
2$enn man quer ab rem 0cfetjf ifl, feilben bie
brei ^euer ein ©reietf, trenn man cs jcbcdi ron
eern eher f)inten liefet, erjcfeeinen ftc als ^trei ,teuer.
<£iefe llnteTfcfeeibuncv?feuer fmb nur in bem
total ficbtbar, ba ifer groeef ifl, naefe bem '¡ßafft»
ren beS isormbn • fteuerfcbiffeS unb beim Slenbern
bes GurfeS auf ben (Srosbp* total bae £ro*bp-
(leuerfefeiff fofort reut SroSbp • Vanbfcuer unter»
fdteiben ju fönnen.
$lUe '^eilunqen fmb mifiroeifenb. 53ar. 21%
SBeft üt 1809. '
IOC. I ailed Slates. — Florida.
Cluuige of light at Pmsaeolu.
The United States Government has given
Notice, that on the 1st day of April 1869
the following alteration was made in the
light at Pensacola, Florida:
The temporary light of the fourth order
was replaced by a dioptric illuminating ap
paratus of the first order.
The light, as before, is a revolving white
light, showing a flash even/ minute.
The tower is built of red brick.
(Not. to Mar. No. 29.)
bereinigte Staaten. - flonba
ScraitBcriiiifi be<> Srur*' 4 ’
;u ^eufacola.
Die '.Regierung bet 'Bereinigten Staaten bat
befannt gemalt, bafj am 1. Hptil 1869 folgenbe
Slenbevung am fßenfacola • geuer gematzt ifl:
Da? vorläufige geuer vierter Drbnung i(l burcf)
einen bioptrifeben VeudRapparat elfter Orbnung
Da? geuer ifl, wie bisher, ein weifte? Drei),
feuer, ba? jebe SRinute einen SMii geigt.
Der iburrn ifl au? reiben fDiauerfleinen
107. Mediterranean. — Elbs Island.
Bell Imoj »■> *li»al »IT Cape
Ulittelmeer. — Snfel Cibct
Wlecfcitbejc auf ber Untiefe
t»or O'av 'Siancp.
The Italian Government has given notice,
that, from the 1st day of May 1869, a bell
Die 3h>Iitnifd)e SRegietung l>at befannt ge
macht, baf; rent 1. SDfai 1869 an eine Oleefen