the Gull Stream; and that fears are enter
tained that more have foundered, the masts
of which are not visible.
Mariners are hereby warned to use extreme
camion in navigating these channels.
Wreck buoys will be placed to mark the
sunken vessels as promptly as possible, and
such other measures taken as may be expe
dient tor the safety of navigation.
(Not. to Mar. No. 14.)
©racfbojm werben fobalb all möglich aul«
gelegt unb weitete ÜJlafcregeln gut fieberen 9taoi»
girung ic. getroffen werten.
Revolving; light nt entriiiife of
Pur« river.
The Provincial Government of Para. Bra
zil. has given Notice, that since the 24th No
vember 18b8 a vessel has been placed near
the bend of the Brnganza bank, entrance of
the river Para, from which a light is exhi
The light is a revolving white light, ele
vated 30 feet above the sea, and in clear
weather should be seen from a distance of
8 miles.
The illuminating apparatus is catoptric,
or by reflectors.
The light vessel has one mast, and is
moored in 16 fathoms water; from her, the
point of the island of Tajoea bears ¡8 S E,
and Curaza point S E \ E Position. as given,
lat. 0" 26' IP' S. long. 47 54' 3" West from
Directions. — A vessel making for the
entrance of the river Para must, after sight
ing the light, keep her on the port hand,
and pass half a mile from her, steering SW
Sfciidititbiff in i-cr {Quintain^ bee
'parti. Sliiffco.
Bit 'iSroi'initiil.SRigierutig uon *p<ua, ©rafilien,
macht befannt, bah **m 24. November 1868 bei
ber Krümmung ber Braganja Banf in ber $tün*
bung bee 'JJara* Ruffes ein Veuchtfchiff aufgelegt
iff. (£0 führt ein weifcee Drebfeuer ©on 30 ^>ö^e
über ber ©affer fläche, bei flarer Vuft auf 8 0ee*
meilen fichtbar.
Der üeuchtapparat ifl fatoptrifd) ober mit flie-
Dal i*euchtfchiff bat einen ÜÄafl unb liegt auf
16 #aben ©affer, oon bemfelben peilt man bie
3nfel Xajoca SSO unb bie (Suraja ©pi|e SO \ 0.
(Gegebene ßage: 0 26' 9" 0üb 'Breite, 47
54' 3' ©eft V'änge oon ($reenwicb.
Beme rfungen. Beim (¿inlaufen in ben
Barüfluh müffen -Schiffe, fobalb ft« bad Veuditfchiff
in 0id)t befonunen, baffelbe an Badborb halten
unb auf \ -Seemeile (¿ntfemung paffiren, Kure