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Full text: 1869 (1869)

England -South Coast. 
Wreck in Falmouth liarliour. 
Notice is hereby given that the French 
brig Charles Emma now lies sunk in 4 fathoms, 
at low water springs, about three quarters 
of a cable S. S. W. from the white (and west) 
buoy of the narrows of Falmouth harbour. 
The wreck lies with the following bea 
rings: — 
Tower of the Meteorological 
Observatory W. by N. 
Black rock beacon S. by W. 
Measures have been taken for the speedy 
removal of the sunken vessel: in the mean 
time a light will be exhibited from the Fore 
topmast bead of the wreck. 
(Not. to Mar. No. 12.) 
97. System of IlllOJil&rr 
in use by the Corporation of Trinity House, 
in buoying; new I'linniiels, 
(approved by the Admiralty and the Board 
of Trade.) 
Side of Channel. The side of the Channel 
is to be considered Starbord, or Port, 
with reference to the entrance to any 
Port from Seaward. 
Entrance to Channels, Beacons, Buoys. 
The entrances of Channels, or turning 
points, shall be marked by Spiral Buoys 
with or without Staff and Globe. or 
Triangle, Cage, etc. 
Single - colored Buoys to Starbord, 
and Striped or Chequered to Port. 
Spiral Buoys, with Globes on Star 
board. and with Cages on Port 
hand. Single-colored Can Buoys, either 
Black or Red, will mark the Starboard 
side, and Buoys of the same shape and 
CmUanb. SüMiüftr 
StSratf itu SSaftn toon iynliitouilt 
(S? wirb befannt gemacht, ba§ bie granzefifcbe 
Brigg „(Eharle? (Emma" in c. 4 ftaben bei ©prittg« 
ebbe, etwa \ Kabellängen S S W i>on ber meinen 
(unb weltlichen) Boje ber 'Rarrow? im frilmoutb 
jpafen gefüllten i|t. 
'Bon ber '‘Petition, wo ba? !ö>racf liegt, trieb 
ber Thurm be? nietectologifcben Ob« 
ferratorium? W z N. 
Blad ¡Rod Baafe S z W. 
Oie 5>egräutnung be? SBracf? wirb erfolgen. 
Vorläufig brennt am Top ber Borflenge eine 
TWtomtiiitfle Stiftern * 
ber ïrimtg t'joufe Corporation 
bei Bezeichnung neuer ^abrwatfer :e. 
(ginfbmiÿt t?on tft 53ritiitbrn Wtmiralität unb bon Board 
of Trade). 
©eiten eine? ftabrwaffer?. ,^ür (Einfahrten 
unb öahrtrnffer gelten bieBezeidntungen ©teuer* 
borbfeite ober Bacfborbfeite mit Bezug auf bie 
(Einfegelung ron ©ee au?. 
3ugüngc juin tfabrwaffer. Bojen. <Die 
Zugänge aller (Einfahrten, ^abnrajTer îc., fo* 
wie befonbere Kur?änberung?punfte in benfel* 
ben, werben burd) Tonnenbaafen mit ober ohne 
Kugel, Dreietf ober 'Würfel bezeichnet. 
(Einfarbige 'Bojen an ©teuerborb unb ge« 
ft reif te ober farrirte an Bacfborb. 
Tonnenbaafen mit Kugeln an ©teuer* 
borb unb SBürfeln an Bacfborb. (Ein 
farbige rothe ober fchwaqe flumpfe Tonnen 
bezeichnen bie ©teuerborbfeite, unb Bojen 
gleicher 2lrt unb garbe, aber vertical wei§ 
’) Tifff? 3bfhm ifi febon feit SlnGn.) 1868 in öifltung.

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