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Full text: 1869 (1869)

England — South Cmt - Downs. 
Alteration In |i»sltl(#ii of South 
CaOUllwIll llllO). 
The Trinity House, London, has given 
Notice, that the South Goodwin buoy has 
been moved 5 cables S. W. by S. from its 
former position, and now lies in 15{ fathoms 
at low water springs with the following 
marks and bearings: 
Ringwold church just open to the south 
ward of the flagstaff of Mr. Curling’s house 
at Kingsdown W. N. VV. 
The coastguard house on Comhill in line 
with the South Foreland Low lighthouse 
W. J s. 
South Sand Head light vessel \Y. \ S. 
2£ miles. 
S. E. Goodwin buoy N. E. by E. ^ E. 
*2| miles. 
(Not. to Mar. No. 94. 30ih November.) 
(EngUnti. — Slonrai. 
'Hcrlcfvuirt ber aiotifb ffiop&rotu 
fbie 2eutb flöwbwin ¿<eje ilt ben ihrer fr«< 
bereu i'Clttton ö KabeUtiitgen na* S W z S in 
l "i( ifaben bei Stiebrigwaffer 2t>ringjeit unter fol* 
genben '(Teilungen unb SUignementä bertegt worben: 
tKingmolb .«trtbe gerabe fühlt* frei een bem 
glaggcnftocfe auf i'ir. tSurimgb -Saufe in King«, 
boten W N W. 
fae 3Ba$t&au« auf licm&ill in t'inie mit 
bem niebrigen l'eucbtthurm t’on 2fib ijorelanb 
¿outb 2anb .'>eab Ifeucbtfd'iff W* S, JJ 2ee 
nteilen lintfemung. 
S 0 - Cjeobloin iHoje N 0 z O J 0, 2J Seemeilen 
Mediterranean — Ugeria. 
Destruction of the Port of Oran. 
Information has been received that the 
breakwater works forming the Port of Oran 
on the coast of Algeria have been entirely 
destroyed by a storm, and that the port at 
present affords no siieiter to shipping. 
The scattered fragments of the breakwater 
are also now a source of danger in the an 
(Not. to Mar. No. 96. 30th November.) 
3cri'toriutfl t>cs> »«few? bon Cram, 
Tie ffiellenbretter, treitbe ben .»yaftn ben Cran 
bilbeten, ftnb bur* einen 2turm ganjltcb terttert 
werben, fo baft biefet $afen gegenwärtig Schiffen 
feinen .'¡ufhtibt-ert bietet; bie a nimm er ber ÜJiele 
ftnb fogar auf bem ilnferblag gefibriiib.

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