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Full text: 1869 (1869)

*7». Bonifacio strait. 
Tomcr on liAM k /.zl rorli. 
Thurm auf bctti Votiert Reifen. 
The tower of masonry, intended to 
indicate the position of the Lavezzi rock, 
Bonifacio .strait, is at present 8 feet above 
the level of the sea, and the buoy moored 
near this danger has been removed. 
(Not. to Mar. No. 88. 22th November.) 
Der $ur 'Be^eidniunfl Vawyi* Reifens in 
ber 'Bonifacio 0trapc im 'Bau begriffene X burnt 
erhebt ficb jeßt 8 $up über ben 'BSafferfpieflel/ 
wcebalb bie tonne, wcld>e biefe 0telle fenntlicfy 
machte, fort^enomtnen ift. 
*MI. Mediterranean. 
Flashing: light at Port Said. 
Ölinffctter \u ^ort 
The Egyptian Government has given No 
tice, that from the 17th day of November, 
or later, the small light now exhibited a Port 
Said will be replaced by a flashing light sho 
wing a flash every three seconds. In clear 
weather the light should be seen from a dis 
tance of 20 miles. 
'Botn 17. 'illüveniber ab ober fpäter wirb bat 
jcßiflt* flehte ^euer non ^ort 0aib bureb ein 
Blinffeuei erfeßt werben, weldtce jebe 3 Sefunben 
aufblinft unb in flarcnt 'Bretter 20 Seemeilen 
weit ^efeben werben foU. 
*81. Alexandria light. ^cucr \u ^deranbricn. 
Also, in reference to Notice to Mariners, Dat febon erwabnte Drebfeuer ju Bieranbrten 
No. 87, dated 15th November 1869, further wtrb feine flroftte Jpcfle alie 30 0efunben jeiflen. 
information has been received that the revol 
ving light mentioned therein will attain its 
greatest brilliancy every he enty-seconds. 
*Ht. lilghllioiiMe.s at KoNetta. llaml- 
etta. and Brulos. 
Also, that lighthouses are in the course of 
construction at the Rosetta and Damietta 
mouths of the Nile and also at Brulos, of 
which further Notice will shortly be given. 
(280—282 Not. to Mar. No. 90. ‘22th November.) 
VetidfitbtirMr )U Wpfrtto, X'umictta 
intfc 'Briiloo. 
9tn ben ?!il • 'Kiinbumjen ju iKcfetta unb 
©amietta unb ju SSrulos roetben Veudjttliurme 

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