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Full text: 1869 (1869)

9 f fl. 
anil that of the red shade from Lowestoft 
low lighthouse, will he extended from S.S.W. 
to S. by W. \ W. Both lights will then cut 
the Scroby Elbow bell buoy. 
Also, that no further notice will be issued 
of these alterations, which will be effected 
at the earliest opportunity. 
SSW bi* SeWJW. ®eibe /Ifucr trerbcn bann 
bie 8crobb (¿(boto (Wecfenboje frfcnciben. 
(Sine ibeitere JBefannhnac^ung tvirb nicht er- 
Corlon Galway. 
Knoll in outer entrauee of Cor- 
ton fiahtay. 
Also, that in consequence of a knoll having 
grown up in the outer entrance of Gorton 
Gat way, not more than 13 feet water — at 
low water springs — can be depended on 
midway between the East llolm and South 
Corton Spit buoys, and mariners are cautio 
ned that it is necessary to keep the Corton 
lights in line when well outside the Gatway, 
as the knoll lies only one and a half cables 
to the south-westward of the track. 
(Corton (fattoag. 
¡yltirt).- Strile im ,inneren 
t»on (Porten Watwan. 
òm .infitteli Eingang bei Sorten (t'attrae bat 
fté eine finde Stelle gebilbet. Ta man nun niebt 
auf mehr als 13 ffiaffet bei niebtigern ÜBaffer 
3pvtngjeit prifdjen ben 6aft $olm uttb Soutb 
Sorton Spit Sojen reebnett fanti, fo muffen bie 
Sebiffe bte (Sortoti fetter in Vinte ballen, trenn 
fie gut aufievbalb bes (Sottrai) finb, ba bie flad'e 
Steile nur 1} Kabellängen fübiveftiieb ron ter 
Vinte liegt. 
Ilarnirh nnd Approaches. 
Alteration» in linoj». 
Also, that a can buoy, painted red and 
while in rertieal stripes ami marked Cork sand 
has been placed on the north end of the 
Cork sand, in 3.j fathoms, at low water 
springs, with the following marks and 
bearings, — 
The Martello tower T, at the entrance 
of Woodbridge haven, its width open 
to the right of Ramsholt church N. \ E. 
Harwich church open to the left of Land- 
guard fort N. W. J W. 
ijnrroidi unti «marami' 
ìtcrà'ltfccrHUfl in fccr 'Urtoilltnit.v 
(Sine fhtmpfe Tonne, relb tmb ireifi fenfvecbt 
geftreift unb mit „Golf fanb* bejeie&nct, iti auf 
beni Jìovbranbe ron Eorf fanb in 3 J gabtn bei 
niebrigem i'òaffev ¿pringteit timer folgenben 'J?ei. 
Inngen aupgciegt : 
Ter Cartello Ibtttm T am Gingang ron 
fBorbbribge .ftafen, utn teine 'Uveite redjtd 
offen, Don tKamèbolt .Kircte — N\0, 
.riarmili) Sircbe, linfe offen, ron Vnttbguatb 
' ifort - N W4 W.

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