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Full text: 1869 (1869)

\>n loinidlaml. 
ficu - iunblant». 
iltmilioii In llarbuur {¿rare 
Island light. 
The Colonial Government, Newfoundland, 
has given Notice, that from the 30th day of 
November 1860, the following alteration will 
take place in the light on the North end of 
Harbour Grace island, Conception bay. 
The fixed white light will be changed to 
a revolting light showing two white flashes 
followed by one red flash, the interval be 
tween each flash being thirty seconds. 
3>crilltt>rritltft t>CO Jiciicro ȣ>ll 
>>rtrbuur Omicc 
31m 30. 'Dtobember b. 3- H’ivb bas fefte iveiße 
feitet auf bem ütorbenbe ber 3»fcl \vubour (State 
in ber (£ente|)tit>ns"'i-iai in ein Orebfeuer »erdnbett, 
bas al'ttedjfetnb jrret »eifce unb einen rotben SMitf 
mit je 30 ©ehinben 3»ifcbenraum jeigt. 
Fixed light nl (•»nizucoiiltMtM 
The 1 riiteO States Government has given 
Notiee, that a fixed white light is exhibited 
from the old Look-out tower on the west 
side of the entrance of Goatzaco&lcos river, 
about half a mile from the beach, and in clear 
weather should be seen from a distance of 
12 miles. 
(237. 238. Not. to Mar. No. 82. 26Ui October.) 
rt’cftco Jyciicr im (tioafeiicodiroo: 
uf bem alten Wiirflwf burnt am iveftlicben 
lifer ber liinfabrt in ben Gh.'atuia'a(cc?*^luh, un 
gefähr \ Seemeile torn ¿tranbe. ifl ein feftes 
treibe* Steuer erdchtet, beffen 0ebirdte bei flarer 
£uft 12 0eemeilen itt. 
England — Easl toast — larmoiilli Hoads. 
Alteration of lights and Imio). 
The Trinity House, London, has given 
Notice, that for better marking of the Scroby 
Elbow, Yarmouth Roads, a bell buoy is about 
to be substituted for the present beacon buoy; 
also that the dark shade of Winterton light 
will be extended from N. \ W. to N. \ W., 
Cnijlanti. — Cftluirtr. — l]armi>utl) Rlglic. 
3>cräiil>rriiitftt>oti (vomiii imb'i^ojcii. 
>5ur belferen SBtarfirung eon Serobt) Stbow, 
’J(armoutf) Jihebe, irirb näebfteno bie bisherige 
SBafentenne bureb eine hilocfenboje evfetst »erben. 
Ti! 'üerbunfelung ben SBinterton < (Teuer »irb er< 
»eitert bon N \ W bis N \ W, ber rotbe Schein 
bon 8o»eitoft niebrigem Teuer »irb erweitert bon

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