öfila.K wun i*rfumid)en
$anbr 10 > ttrcbit, yabrflang 1809.
tTrtd)riri)tcn für Seefahrer.
Jk> *2o.
2:1«. Srotland — West Coast — Islay.
Fl\(‘d light in liOrliimiliiil.
The Commissioners of Northern Light
houses have given Notice, that from the 15th
day of November 18G9, a light will be ex
hibited from a lighthouse recently erected on
Dune point, Lochandail, Islay.
The light will be a fixed light, white be
tween the bearings N. E. by E. to about N.
by E. £ E.; red from about N. by E. £ E. to
about W. £ N.: and white from about \V. ‘ N.
to S. W. by W. \ W.; it will be elevated 50
feet above high water springs, and in clear
weather should be seen from a distance of
12 miles.
The illuminating apparatus is dioptric or
by lenses, of the fourth order.
The lighthouse is situated on Dune point,
half a mile north of Port Charlotte.
(All Bearings are Magnetic. Variation
25^ Westerly in 186ih)
(Not. t<> Mar. No. 81. 23lh October.)
SdjottlanD. — UUftKüfte. — 3öIqjj.
Jefitco Jyciicr ju Vodtanbatl.
Sem 15 'Jteeember b. ab brennt auf fcem
äu Eune ©eint, l'oibanbail, neu erbauten
iburm ein feftcs (teuer, bas jirifcbcn beti ©et-
tunken SOz0 bis ungefähr NzO^O tveiü, ben
ungefähr NzOJO bis ungefähr W^N retb unb
een ungefähr W$N bis SWzWJW meiji er«
fcfccint; es ift 5 l,i' rbeinl. über öecbtvutTer bei
0pringjeit borfi unb bei Harem ©Jettet 12 ¿ce>
meilcn reett fitbtbar.
Eieptrifdier ilpparat bierter Erbnung.
Eer r'cud'ttbunn ftebt auf Eune ©eint, J 2ec«
tncile nerblid' een ©ort Sljarlette.
(©eil. mipiv. ©ar. 25$ ©Seit in 1869.)