Ireland — South Coast.
3rlanb. — Siitihiifir.
Shifting of ( oniiiiiidieit: li&rlil
The Office of Irish Lights, Dublin, has
given Notice, that the Conningbeg light ves
sel, which marks the Conningbeg rock, oil'
the Saltee islands. Wexford, has drilled to
the Eastward.
Immediate steps will be taken to replace
her in her proper position.
(Not. to Mar. No. 70. 16th September.i
3$crtrctbiitift bco (foitntttftbcfv
l'a? iSonnin^beg-ACuerfcbiff, bo? ben (Sonning*
beg Reifen bei ben ¿altee Werfcrb, be-
jcidmete, iff nach Citen tu vertrieben. Weeignete
'Mîaferegeln finb ^etreffen f uni baffelbe tricber auf
feine ¿tation ju legen.
I uited Slates of America.
109. C oast of* VIainr — fog: signal at
W est Oiiodtl.y lieatl.
The United States Government has given
notice, that a new steam fog whistle has re
cently been erected at West Quoddy light,
station, south side of entrance to Eastport
bay. and that it will be sounded during snow
storms, and thick or foggy weather, for a
period of eight seconds every minute, with
an interval oi fifty-two seconds between each
flfrnnigtc ôtaatni mm ttorï» - nmertha
$icbclftßittil ouf 'löcft Ouobbtt>>cob.
3luf ber Weft Cucbbo - Itaubttburmflatien, an
ber füblidien Seife ber (SaftpcrhSai, ift eine neue
Campfpfeife errichtet, bie bet ¿cbnreftmm, biefem
unb nebligem 'Wetter in jeber 'hîinute S ¿efunben
lang tent.
90*. VlnssnrliiiseUs — Aculmnporl
Also, that the main light at the entrance
to Newbury port harbour. Massachusetts, has
been removed one-third of a mile to the north
east of its former position; and that from the
1st day of September 1861), the beacon light
hitherto shown was discontinued, and the
above main li^ht only exhibited.
Wcwbiirwport : VciTäittbiirm.
l'a* viauptfeuer im lïin,ian,i jum Sfeirburepprt-
©afet Ht j ¿eemeile na* Sèorbeft ten ber früheren
riaçie berle^t. Sim l. September b. ift bas
Safenfeuer itelèfibt unb brennt bas Jjauptfeuer
nur allein.