for a distance of 13’ miles, with an average
breadth of about 5 miles.
Depths varying from 100 to 15*» fathoms,
occupy an extent of 8;J miles in a North and
South direction, with a width of 4’ miles.
The least water obtained, 90 fathoms, is
in lat. 30 42 .V, long. 14 7 W., and about
3 miles from the southern extremity: this
portion of the hank consisting of pieces of
lava covered with coral, whilst towards the
north the bottom is compose ! .if yellow sand,
intermixed with broken shells. During the
examination stones were brought up, the
largest weighing as much as 57 lb*».
This extensive bank of soundings is si
tuated at a distance of 175 miles, N. 43 E.
(true) of the assigned position of the Eight
istones, a danger searched for in vain by
several of H. M. ships, said to he three leagues
in extent from East to West, and even with
the surface of the water, and which, from
the date of its alleged discovery in 1 < 32,
had until lately retained a place in the Charts.
Officers commanding ships are requested
to obtain soundings, when passing the vici
nity of the bank.
(Not. to Mar No. 5s. i \ Aug'.':.)
rie ^eiTii.VK erhabene äitotiertieff Den yii
teil i*t in .'IC 42 ■¡Ucrbbrcite, 14 7' 'XHcftldn^e
ton Wreemvfd) ungefähr 3 Seemeilen Dem fiiblubeit
iRanbe; biefcv .¿heil Dev 'Tauf beftebt au* Vaoa
flihfen mit (Sorallen, irabrenb nach Serben bin
ber (Srunb au? gelbem ¿anb mit terbrecbeiten
'Ih'uicbelicbalcn unammen^eicKt ifr. i‘3äbtmb ber
Unrerfudntna mürben ¿teilte berauftfebradn, bereit
cjri'kter 57 i'funb trivp
T>ieie au&iebebntr 'Banf liecjt 175 Seemeilen
N43 <> (rcduti'.i Den bem angeblichen Crte ber
tiu]bt ¿tone«, einer Untiefe, treldm fid) (3 h-agues)
!i ¿eemeilen Den Clt noeb i»3eft critrecfcn unb mit
bem &*aiierfbiec,el ¿\Ieid' fein feil; biefelbe ifl feit
ihrer im v Vtbre 1732 flathiebabten £ntbecfun$ auf
beit Karten ocmierft, feitbem jebecb Den mehreren
Krte^ficbiffen reraeblid' aefuebt werben.
Brazil — Nortli Coast.
Position of liirlit vessel, en
trance of Para river.
With reference to Notice to Mariners.
No. 49, dated 5th August 1809. the position
of the light-vessel at the entrance-of Para
river, which is moored in 15 fathoms, about
Ц miles to the northward of the Braganza
shoal, is in Latitude 0 25 25 is.. Longitude
47 55 о West of Greenwich.
Craftltcn — Uortiktißr.
Vaflc ics Vcncbtfcfoiffco in &cr
"Vorn = Wiiti i’iuifl.
Tic siaiic tcr Vtuci'tid'iffs in Set Siüntuini
ter i'a>M . (iluifei auf 15 «atm ca. 11 ¿etmeiien
nörblid' Den tcr üruaunja ■ linncrc ilt o '.’5
SübbveUe uni 4? 55,u' ilttitlänge Don №reentrid>
i'ttjl. ?tadmd>Kn für Sfffabrrr 'Mr. 17e )