No. 181. 182. Not. to Mar. No. 53. 12. August.)
No. 2. Lower Middle (Nun) buoy, will
in future be black and white, in horizontal
No. 3. tipper Middle (Nun) buoy, will
in future be black and white, in horizontal
(Not. to Mar. No. 52. 12. August.)
Ilallir Entrance — The Sound.
Fixed red light at llrago har
The Danish Government has given Notice,
that on and after the 1st day of August 1869,
a Jixed red light will be exhibited from the
extremity of the north pier of Drago har
bour, and will continue to be shown troug-
liout the year, with the following exceptions,
viz., — during the summer months, May. June,
and July, and when ice renders entry to the
harbour impossible.
The light will be visible from N. N. K.
round by East to S. S. W.. and in clear
weather should be visible from a distance of
2 miles.
Oftfcc. — Öunfc. — IDänemarh.
J^eftco rotbce Денег ;u
¿fit bem 1. ‘ilucjufl b. J. brennt auf bem
ncrbliten 'Molenfepf tu Träger ein fettes reibe*
Дeuer, ba? bei Hütern iöetter 2 ¿eemeilen weit
in ben .'Kicbtungeu bon NNO burdr Cft bie SSW
fubtbar ift; ее brennt, mit Ausnahme bet SJionate
'Mai, Juni unb Juli unb bet Jeit, trenn Eie bae
Einlaufen in ben Jjafett rerbinbert, bae gante
Jabr Irinburdr.
'^ojeittocrrtitbertiiirt uiif ¿drultt unb >>afteno Wriinb.
During the month of October, the following
alterations will be effected in the buoys mark
ing Selmltz and Hastens shoals:
The red and black striped conical buoy,
with staff and hall, marking the north end
of Schultz shoal, will he replaced by a floa
ting beacon with red staff and ball; and the
floating beacon, with striped staff - and red
ball, marking the south end of Hastens shoal,
will be replaced hv a conical buoy, with red
and white horizontal stripes, bearing a staff',
striped red and white, surmounted by a red
Jm Sionat Cftcber fell bie rotb unb ittearj
gejheifte fpige 8ejc mit ¿tange unb Kugel am
îirrbranbe bed ¿duilç @runb bunt eine -¿reib
bate mit retirer ¿tauge unb Kugel, fornie bie
ireibbafe mit gettreifter ¿tauge unb rrtber Kugel
an bem füblicben Stanbe be* iiaftene Srunb burt
eine ftrige rrtb unb treits »agerett geitreifte $eje
mit rotb unb ireiü geftreifter ¿tauge mit retirer
Kugel erfekt werben.