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Full text: 1869 (1869)

2*filjge {tun ‘ftreuM'dmt 
6«nM*-3lrd)i® f yabrflang 1809. 
Uad)rid)tcn fur Scefabrcr. 
Jh -21. 
I NO. England — East Coast — Ri\er Humbfr. 
AheraUoiis hi buoys IiHuh ii 
S4bifi;st»ii-I poii-lliill nml III«* 
With reference to Notice to Mariners, 
Nr. 23, dated 30tli April 1809, the Corpora 
tion of the Trinity House, Hull, have given 
Notice that, in conformity therewith, the 
following alterations have been effected: 
Buoys on the port hand in entering 
the Humber. 
No. 1. ¡Sand Haile (Nun) buoy, will in 
future be black anti white, striped vertically, 
with staff’ and cage. 
No. 2. Bull (Nun) buoy, will in future 
be black and white, striped vertically. 
No. 3. Clea Ness (Nun) buoy, will in 
future be black and white, striped vertically, 
with staff and vane. 
No. 4. Burcom (Nun) buoy, will in future 
be black and white, striped vertically. 
No. 5. Middle Burcom (Nun) buoy, will 
in future be black and white, striped verti 
No. 6. Upper Burcom (Nun) buoy, will 
in future be black and white, striped verti 
(EnglanD. — CftHiiftr. — tjumbnr - i lufv 
SSoieuberaitbermtfl im.V'uiiibi-r ^-liif. 
itttifrf'OH fttltftftOI|:|lpOI|:>>ll(I IIIIS 
ber See. 
auf 'i>acft*erb bcim liiulaufeit in ben 
Sir. 1. ¿ant .naile (fpige\ Bofe it} jegt fdmarj 
tmb tveiii fenfredt jieftveift rait Stance unb 'JlSuvfei. 
Sir. 2. ¡Bull (fpige) Bojc ift jegt fcbirarj unb 
trcifi fonfred't geftreift. 
Sir. 3. (ilea SicS (fpige) Boje ift jegt jdrcarj 
unb weifi fcnfrcdt geftreift mit ¿tange unb giagge. 
Sir. 4. ‘Burcom tipigc) Bojc ift jegt fdtvar; 
unb treifs fcnfrcdt geftreift. 
Sir. 'Kibble Burcom (fpige) Boje ift jegt 
fdtravj unb ircif, fcnfrcdt geftreift. 
Sir. H. Upper Burcom (fpige) Bojc ift jegt 
fdtrarj unb toeig fcnfrcdt geftreift. 
Sir. 7. ¿fitter ¿anb (sub (fpige) Bojc if} 
jegt fcbtrarj unb treift fcnfrcdt geftreift. 
Sir. 8. ¿fitter ¿anb litboro (fpige) Bojc ift 
jegt fcbtrarj unb tocif fcnfrcdt geftretft. 
Sir. 9. Slnfon (ftumpfe) Bojc if} jegt fdrcarj 
unb ireig fcnfrcdt geftreift. 
Sir. 10. fSoof (ftumpfe) Bojc ift jegt fcbtrarj 
unb trait fcnfrcdt geftreift. 
Sir. II. iiotrev il>eft Kibble (ftumpfe) Boje 
ift jegt fcbtrarj unb ireig fenfredt geftreift. 

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