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Full text: 1869 (1869)

England — South ('.oast. 
lltM ol\ ing litfh* on the liolf roek. 
The Trinity House. London, has given 
Notice, that the lighthouse which for some 
time past has been in course of erection on 
the Wolf rock, off the Land's End, being now 
far advanced towards completion, it is in 
tended on or about the 1st day of January 
1870, (unless prevented by uiforeseen circum 
stances,) to exhibit from it, at an elevation 
of 110 feet above high water, a revoking 
light, showing alternate flashes of red and 
tofuie at intervals of 30 seconds. 
Further particulars will be published in 
due course. 
[Not. to Mar. No. 50. August 7.) 
tEintUmtv — SüDkitlte 
Trebfener auf Sem 'Jöolf» Jfelfen. 
Per Sa« be« Veuebttburm« auf bem SBolf. 
Reifen bet Vanba Snb ift foweit bergefdirtttett, 
ba&, wenn triebt iiiiberbei\iefet>ene lltttftättbe ein 
treten, jum 1. Januar näd'fteit x 4abrei itt eitler 
J>cbe een 110 über lyoebwaffer eitt prcMcuer 
angejänbet treiben feil, ba? abroetbfelnb rrtbe nttb 
tretfte Slitfe in «iWifcbenrättmen №tt ito 3efun- 
ben jetgen wirb. 
«¡ältere« wirb feiner :ieit Peröffentlütt werben. 
China—Easl Coast. 
Krportnl slioal near Chin-Ha 
Information has been received, that a 
shoal lias been reported by the English 
steam ship Erl King, which ship touched on 
it while drawing 20 feet, lying S by E 
2f miles from Chin-ha point. 
Chapel island, bearing S. E. 4 E. 
Lantia island S. W. W. 
position, 1:11. 24 14' 10" N.. long. 118 8' 
20" East from Greenwich. 
(Not. to Mar No. 48. August 4.) 
Ct) tua. — Otthüttr. 
Untiefe bei ber <5pibe (fbitt^a. 
Ta« Snglifebe iDampffebiff „Sri .'¡imi' bat bet 
20' iiefgang auf einer Untiefe S z O 2} ¿ee- 
ineilen non (E§in <6a Spine geftojien. 
Simpel ^nfel gepeilt SO j O, 
Santia v Infel gepeilt S VV | W. 
Sage: 24 14' 10" Slorbbreite ttnb 118" 8 
20 Cftlange Don («reenrcidv 
Alteration in position of Halit 
vessel, rnlrnnrr of Harn river. 
The Provincial Government of Para, lira- 
zil, has given Notice, that the light vessel 
near the bend of the Braganza bank, entrance 
fUcttbrriiiift in ber Vafle bee tteuebe 
febiffo in ber ©tiiiibimft beo 'Variti 
Da« Peuchtfdtiff bet ber Ohe.«««! ber SHa- 
ganja Stani iti ber ÜHftnbiing bea Stara «liijiee 
tfl uttb iwar in 15 «abeti, ungefähr

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