white in horizontal hands ami marked N. E.
middle, has been placed on the eastern end
of Ryde Middle bank in 20 feet at low water
It lies with the following marks:
Southsea Castle light tower just shut in
with the north-west angle of (Jilkieker
The eastern crane on Ryde pier in line
with the tower of house east of Appley
house at Ryde.
Wootton point in a line with Ashlake
This buoy is placed principally as a guide
in turning a long vessel after running the
measured mile in Stokes bay, hut it also clears
the northern edge of the Ryde Middle.
The East Middle buoy, which marks the
southern edge, remains in its usual ¡»osition.
unb mit »N. E. middle« bfjfidmet, ift auf bem
eftlicbcn linbe bcr .'Knbf 'JLUibblr '^anf in 20' bei
Webricjivafffr ¿pritmeit unter folgtnben 'Pft hin*
c|en au^ele^t:
«euthfea (Sattle Veurbtbuvm eben berbecft burrf)
bie ÜJterbtreflecfe Pc? ^erti (Mi Ift cf er.
Ter C'ftlid>e tfrabn auf ilfobe pier in Öinie
mit bem Xburm bei? >>aufe~ efl!id> bcn
Applet' beufe ju .'Ki>be.
SBootten 'Point in t'inie mit Slfblafe v>au&
Tiefe Soje bient bauptfdd'licb alt- iUerfmal
für bar Treben Den langen 2 duffen beim '.Mb
laufen ber itemeffenen iVcile in ber 3tefe* ®ai
unb ferner auch, um Den ber nörblitben Hanfe
ber Mittel iKnbe '.Pattf frei ju fcmmen.
Tie Cft» dibble ^ojc, bic bie füblicbe Hante
bejeicbnet, bleibt in ber aeircbnlicbcn Vac\c
Last loasi.
Alteration In of Hater,
Pynn hii«I Boston lleeps.
Information has been received, that the
depth of water (as shown by the chart) wit
hin the Scullridge sand, in the fairway of
Boston Deeps, and on the eastern part of
the < Hiter Knock. has lessened considerably,
also that the Spitway across the Long sand
lias altered its position; and as other con
siderables changes may have taken place in
the several banks and channels, Mariners are
hereby cautioned not to place too much con
fidence in the accuracy of the chart until the
locality has been re-surveyed.
1174. 175. Not. to Mar. No. 4G. July 31.)
£n<tlanb — Oßhüfte.
'llrraithrriuiii Scr Jöaffertiefen,
S»nn imi 'Hoftoii &cepo.
Vie auf ber Karte an ; ie.iebcne 'lliaifertiefe inner
halb bei StuUribgt ¿anbei im aabrtraiter rer.
heften Teer unb auf bem rftliiben ibeil bei
Cuter Rnetf bat bcträthtlieb abacnemnten, ferner
bat ber ¿bittrae, treldter ben t'einr ¿anb burtb
fcbneibet. feine t'a ; te eeränbert; ebenfe finb betracht
liehe üeränberunflen in eerfd'iebenen Sänfcn unb
Kanälen tjorjiefommen, fe baft man tieh nicfct auf
bie Karten eerlaffen borf, bii eine neue Aufnahme
erfdat iein tvirb