S9filafle }um 'J3rfuRit'd)fn
Cantei««SltdriD, ^ibrflang i$t>9.
llad)rid)tcn fur
.n-i 1.
Mediterranean — France — South Coast.
Fixed ligliis at Port of Otte.
The French Government has given Notice,
that from the 15th day of January 1869, two
lights will be exhibited at the entrance of the
Port of Cette, south coast of France.
1) A fixed red light from a tower on the
north-east head of the breakwater, ele
vated 46 feet above high water.
2) A fixed red light from a tower on the
extremity of Frontignan Jetty, and N. W.
by N. 262 yards from tin* breakwater
light. It is elevated 44 feet above high
Both lights in clear weather should be
seen from a distance of 7 miles.
The breakwater tower is 25 feet high,
and that of the jetty 38 feet; they are built
of sheet iron, and are painted white.
The position of the breakwater light is
in hit. 43 23' 48" N.. long 3 42 25 Hast
from Greenwich.
Also, that from the same date the two
lights on Richelieu Citadel will be discon
(Not. to Mar. No. 1.)
ilUttrluucr — ftanhrtid) — Siib-6iiflt.
riefte ¡ycHcr im »afeli toon (frette.
Eie gtanjófifd)) ¡Hegirrung t>.D befannt gema*t,
bufi oom 15. ganuat 1*6' 1 ab, am fpafeneingang
voti (Sette, Sùbfttflr grant™*«, ¡irei geutr an-
gejùnbrt iprrben.
1) (Sin feffr« rutbcS geu.r in rinfili I burnì auf
bfin norbclili*rn iìnbe bri iSkllrnbrr*««,
41! gufi libri £ic*roafTrr.
2) (Sin frfirS rotori geutr in einem ì burnì auf
bri ùufierfìen èpi^e br« gtontignan jpafat.
banimeS unb 78K gii li N W z N rum grun
auf beni 2fJrUriibrr*rt. .fràbr 44 gufi libri
'Bribe grurt iiilb bri flatrin 'JJJriter 7 -£rr.
mrilm irai n*tbar
Eri ì burnì auf beni 'JScUmbrerbfT iff 25 badi
unb ber auf beni jpafcnbanim 28fit |mb pc.i
ISifen unb »rifj grfiti*en.
Eie Cage te« generi auf beiti SSJrllmbreòet
i|ì in 42 22 48 9torb Breitr unb 2 42 25
Ofl Viinge poh Wreempi*.
'Hit bemfrlben iage rertbm bit beibtn grurt
auf ber iKi*elieu Citabellr eiugrben
*) 3cn?tit bit 'Naduicbtcn btn »Notices to Mariners«, lrrldx von btm hnbtcgiarbiid'cn 'l*ntrju ,u Vcnben vcrencnflidH
roetben, tntnemmm finb, nab bits am ¿tujc betftlbtn bind) ilngabt bti bmctfrnbcn '3iummrr bet »Notices, in fofgenbct 2ltt:
(Not. to Mar. No. . .) fenntlid) g«nad>t tvnbctt, finb fie bagrgnt anbntn ..mtliAcn, icrtlau^cnb fttdxincnbtn ‘JRittbitlungm ent*
ncauaat' fo metben bicit Itjtftcn veUfiinbig botidmft meibcn.