van Leeuwen et al.
observational data gathering, the applied approach, negotiations and
overall methodology. Therefore their submitted current state results are
‚ncluded in Appendix F, but are not included in the presented analysis.
2.5 Current state scenario
The current state scenario (hereafter, CS) applied the ICG-EMO
database of European rivers for the riverine nutrient inputs of the
selected period. This database contains daily values for flow and
autrients for 368 rivers discharging onto the European Shelf,
tollowing optimization to daily values from originally sourced
observational data (Lenhart et al., 2010; ICG-EMO, 2021). For an
overview of the rivers included see Appendix A (Supplementary
Materials). The average atmospheric deposition rates for NO, NH3z
and Total Nitrogen over the North Western Continental Shelf as
estimated by EMEP (EMEP, 2020) were used for atmospheric input
of nutrients, with values provided in Table 2.
For the open sea boundaries, information from CMEMS
(Copernicus Marine Service, EU, was
used: NORTHWESTSHELF_REANALYSIS_PHY_004_009 (https:// for the physical requirements and
NORTHWESTSHELF_REANALYSIS_BIO_004_011 (https:// (Ciavatta et al., 2018) for the
chemical and biological state variables (both 0.067 x 0.111 degree
spatial resolution with 24 depth levels). The exchange between the
Baltic Sea and North Sea in the Kattegat and Skagerrak area is very
complex (deep stratified waters, different layers flowing in different
directions). To simplify the inflow of nutrient-rich Baltic waters into
:he North Sea the boundaries of the participating models were
selected to be at two shallow sills where flow patterns are less
complicated: Darss sill and Drogden sill. Estimates from simulated
Baltic Sea discharges by DHI for recent years provided monthly mean
climatologies for the water flows at the two sills. For nutrient
concentrations recent observations (2009 —- 2014) near the sills
were used to provide monthly mean climatologies (flow and
autrients: Stiig Markager, pers. comm.). For silicate, an annual
mean estimate of 10.4 uM was used (Mantikci, 2014).
2.6 Pre-eutrophic scenario
The pre-eutrophic or historical scenario (hereafter, HS) should
‚eflect the state of European Shelf marine waters before major
anthropogenic nutrient inputs occurred. Here, we follow the
TABLE 2 Average N deposition rates for the current (2009-2014) and
historic (1890-1900) time periods over the North Western Continental
Shelf and the respective ratios (Schöpp et al., 2003).
TOxN 183.57
NH; 167.49
TotalN 351.07
U... 4
105 7°
"rontiers in Marine Science
definition of the project Joint Monitoring Programme of the
Eutrophication of the North Sea with Satellite data (JMP-
EUNOSAT, Enserink et al., 2019) which uses a period around the
year 1900 during the European industrialization but before
agricultural intensification. In the 19” century there were likely
already first signs of eutrophication in freshwater systems and
coastal waters (e.g. Billen & Garnier, 1997, Billen et al., 1999), but
impacts in coastal waters were probably limited to a more local scale
(Nixon, 2009). Most importantly, the end of the ya
centuryprecedes the establishment of the Haber-Bosch process
that industrialized the production of inorganic nitrogen fertilizers
(first demonstrated in 1909 with first industrial-level production
starting in 1914, Kissel, 2014). Furthermore, anecdotal evidence of
high-water transparency and seagrass coverage (two important
quality indicators for eutrophication effects, Reise and Kohlus
(2008)) indicate good water quality status in the coastal waters of
the German Bight during this period (Brockmann et al., 2002). In
the closely connected Baltic Sea, the same time period is used as a
reference (Schernewski and Neumann, 2005), as in the Kattegat and
the Belt Seas evidence exists of extensive macrophyte fields around
1900 (Krause-Jensen et al., 2021), which severely declined due to
disease and eutrophication. Frederiksen et al. (2004) show further
evidence of eelgrass decline in Danish coastal waters since 1940
following increasing nutrient pressures.
The JMP-EUNOSAT project applied pre-eutrophic load
estimates from a dedicated simulation of the watershed model E-
HYPE (see the HYPE model suite, with
E-HYPE the European application), representing conditions
around the year 1900 (Enserink et al., 2019). These loads, which
did not include hydrological or morphological changes in river
basins (e.g. reservoir construction, dams and barriers, etc.), are
simulated per coastal area and are not necessarily associated with
actual rivers. Nevertheless, this dataset provides a consistent set of
pre-eutrophic nutrient loads going into the marine environment on
the European Shelf. Local, more detailed studies offer additional
information. Kerimoglu et al. (2018) describe historic riverine loads
for the German Bight based on simulations of the detailed
catchment model MONERIS (Venohr et al., 2011; Gadegast &
Venohr, 2015). They found significantly lower historical DIP
levels for major German rivers compared to the E-HYPE
historical scenario. Danish authorities commissioned a similar
study where two independent water quality models (one Bayesian,
one mechanistic) simulated undisturbed conditions for Danish
:ivers (Timmermann et al., 2021). This study found differences in
historical coastal DIP loads (compared to JMP-EUNOSAT) up to
„10%. Stegert et al. (2021) used estimates of historical river inputs
from both MONERIS and E-HYPE and compared their influence
on the nutrient and chlorophyll-a concentrations in the North Sea.
They found higher marine nutrient concentrations, particularly in
coastal zones, if the E-HYPE values were applied, with coastal zone
DIP differences of 40% in the German Bight.
An expert group consisting of, amongst others, members from
LCG-EMO and ICG-Eut (Intersessional Correspondence Group on
Eutrophication) defined the pre-eutrophic scenario as using the E-
HYPE historic N load percentages (E-HYPE estimate of percentage
difference between the historic state and current day loads) for all