jan Leeuwen et al.
Model domains
0 |
:Cefas, JRC
Oldenburg "-
- 0 U
Longitude [deg. E]
Model domains of the different models used to calculate pre-
zutrophic marine conditions. Note that the JRC (Joint Research
Centre, EU) and Cefas model domains are identical, though thei'
acOsvstem models are different
2.2 Available observational data
Observations were obtained from the OSPAR Common
Procedure Eutrophication Assessment Tool (COMPEAT, see
GitHub - ices-tools-prod/COMPEAT, ICES, 2022) for validation
and weighting purposes. This tool is applied in the OSPAR
Comprehensive Procedure (COMP) for the determination of the
gutrophication status of marine areas based on observational data
submitted by each member country. The observations, which are
che same as those used in the official eutrophication assessments,
2ave a higher spatial and temporal coverage in coastal areas than in
offshore waters (see Appendix B; Supplementary Materials). Thus,
spatial averages of the observations over assessment areas that
comprise coastal and more open waters may not be fully
zepresentative of these assessment areas. Simulated area-averaged
results will always be representative of the full area, complicating a
direct comparison with the observational averages (see, e.g., Garcia-
Garcia et al., 2019). Observations were available for DIN, DIP and
Chl. Due to the low confidence in the in-situ Chl observations
‘Appendix B; Supplementary Figure 3) related to data scarcity (both
‚emporally and spatially), satellite data (a reanalysis product, Van
der Zande et al., 2019; Lavigne et al., 2021) were added to the Chl
observational database in COMPEAT. To calculate a combined
seasonal mean concentration per assessment area from in-situ and
Earth Observation (EO) data a weighting factor was applied, based
on the OSPAR confidence rating of in-situ data availability which is
implemented in the COMPEAT tool. Where the combined
‚emporal and spatial confidence of in-situ Chl was high, 50:50
“in-situ/EO) data was used to derive the assessment area mean. If
in-situ confidence was moderate, 30:70 (in-situ/EO) was used, while
“rontiers in Marine ı zie.17e
where in-situ confidence was low, 10:90 (in-situ/EO) was applied
(OSPAR, 2022a). Coastal waters are optically challenging
environments for satellite wavelength observations, due to shallow
depths and high levels of suspended matter. Retrieving accurate Chl
estimates from satellite data is therefore more challenging in coastal
waters than in offshore waters (Lavigne et al., 2021).
Observational time series were extracted for the stations with
the most complete temporal coverage over the simulated period
(available in the ICES COMPEAT tool), for validation purposes.
Unfortunately, using these data results in a strong spatial bias, as
most observations were obtained in near-shore waters of the
southern North Sea. In addition, data from long-term observation
stations were provided by Cefas (station Stonehaven) and PML
(station WCO-L4). See Supplementary Figure 2 in the
zupplementary materials for the locations of the used stations.
2.3 Model validation
Each model used in this exercise has been validated separately
before this application (see Supplementary Materials Appendix D). A
common validation procedure was applied using a subsection of the
COMPEAT data, representing short-term and long-term time series,
augmented with 2 additional long-term stations (Stonehaven, WCO-
L4) to allow for a comparison of model performance (Figure 2).
Following the approach of Eilola et al. (2011) and Edman and
Omstedt (2013), we used a combination of correlation coefficient
and the root mean square difference (RMSD) scaled by the standard
deviation of the observations to assess the skills of the different
ecosystem models compared to the observations. This comparison
was done for each station individually and later the station results
were combined to assess the overall skill for each model (Figure 2).
Overall, most model systems have a good to acceptable model skill.
$ Chlorophyll-:
> as
1 - Correlation coefficient
Model skill assessment for DIN, DIP and Chl for all participating
models (in respective areas where the number of observations is the
nighest). The horizontal axis shows 1 - the correlation coefficient
oetween model values and observations, the vertical axis shows the
‚oot mean square difference (RMSD) divided by the observational
standard deviation (STD). The closer the values are to the origin, the
zloser the model results are to observations. The inner field (x-axis:
I-1/3, y-axis: 0—1) indicates good agreement and strong
correlation between model and observations. The middle field (x-
axis: 1/3—-2/3, y-axis: 1-2) indicates reasonable agreement and
moderate correlation between model and observations. The outer
Äeld indicates poor agreement between model and observations.
SMHI values for DIN and DIP are off the scale at (0.35, 3.61) and
(0.32,3.42), respectively. Negative correlations did not occur.