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Full text: Deriving pre-eutrophic conditions from an ensemblemodel approach for the North-West European seas

* frontiers | Frontiers in Marine Science 
TYPE Original Research 
PUBLISHED 15 May 2023 
DO! 10.3389/fmars.2023.1129951 
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Deriving pre-eutrophic 
conditions from an ensemble 
model approach for the 
North-West European seas 
Alessandro Bergamasco, 
1stitute of Marine Science, National 
kesearch Council (CNR), Italy 
1ugian Yu, 
ong Kong University of Science and 
‚echnology (Guangzhou), China 
Maximilian Berthold, 
Mount Allison University, Canada 
Justus Van Beusekom, 
lelmholtz Centre for Materials and Coastal 
kesearch (HZG), Germany 
Sonja M. van Leeuwen 
RECEIVED 22 December 2022 
ACCEPTED 13 March 2023 
DUBLISHED 15 May 2023 
Sonja M. van Leeuwen*, Hermann-J. Lenhart“, Theo C. Prins®, 
Anouk Blauw*, Xavier Desmit*, Liam Fernand®, 
Rene Friedland“, Onur Kerimoglu®, Genevieve Lacroix*, 
Annelotte van der Linden, Alain Lefebvre®, 
Johan van der Molen*, Martin Plus®, Itzel Ruvalcaba Baroni*®, 
Tiago Silva®, Christoph Stegert*““*, Tineke A. Troost* 
and Lauriane Vilmin* 
Department of Coastal Systems, Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ), Texel, Netherlands, 
Department of Informatiks, Scientific Computing Group, Hamburg University, Hamburg, Germany, 
Department of Marine and Coastal Systems, Deltares, Delft, Netherlands, *Operational Directorate 
Natural Environment, Royal Belgian Institute for Natural Sciences (RBINS), Brussels, Belgium, °Centre 
or Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (Cefas), Lowestoft, United Kingdom, Joint 
tesearch Centre, Directorate D — Sustainable Resources, Ispra, Italy, 7Physical Oceanography and 
nstrumentation, Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde, Rostock, Germany, SInstitute 
‘or Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment (ICBM), Carl von Ossietzky University of 
Oldenburg, Oldenburg, Germany, °DYNECO-PELAGOS Laboratory, Institut Francais de Recherche 
0ur l’Exploitation de la Mer (IFREMER), Plouzane, France, !*Department of Research and 
Development, Oceanography, Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, 
Norrköping, Sweden, Institute of Coastal Systems: Analysis and Modelling, Helmholtz-Zentrum 
dereon, Geesthacht, Germany, *?Operational Modelling Group, Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und 
Aydroagraphie. Hamburg, Germany 
van Leeuwen SM, Lenhart H-J, Prins TC, 
3lauw A, Desmit X, Fernand L, Friedland R, 
ferimoglu O, Lacroix G, van der Linden A, 
„‚efebvre A, van der Molen J, Plus M, 
Auvalcaba Baroni |, Silva T, Stegert C, 
Troost TA and Vilmin L (2023) Deriving 
ore-eutrophic conditions from an 
ansemble model approach for the North- 
West European seas. 
Front. Mar. Sci. 10:1129951. 
doi: 10.3389/fmars.2023.1129951 
© 2023 van Leeuwen, Lenhart, Prins, Blauw, 
Desmit, Fernand, Friedland, Kerimoglu, 
acroix, van der Linden, Lefebvre, 
‚an der Molen, Plus, Ruvalcaba Baroni, Silva, 
Stegert, Troost and Vilmin. This is an open- 
access article distributed under the terms of 
'he Creative Commons Attribution License 
CC BY). The use, distribution or 
‚eproduction in other forums is permitted, 
orovided the original author(s) and the 
copyright owner(s) are credited and that 
‘he original publication in this journal is 
zited, in accordance with accepted 
academic practice. No use, distribution or 
‚eproduction is permitted which does not 
comply with these terms. 
The pre-eutrophic state of marine waters is generally not well known, 
czomplicating target setting for management measures to combat 
autrophication. We present results from an OSPAR ICG-EMO model 
assessment to simulate the pre-eutrophic state of North-East Atlantic marine 
waters. Using an ecosystem model ensemble combined with an observation- 
based weighting method we derive sophisticated estimates for key 
autrophication indicators. Eight modelling centres applied the same riverine 
nutrient loads, atmospheric nutrient deposition rates and boundary conditions to 
heir specific model set-up to ensure comparability. The pre-eutrophic state was 
defined as a historic scenario of estimated nutrient inputs (riverine, atmospheric) 
at around the year 1900, before the invention and widespread use of industrial 
'ertilizers. The period 2009-2014 was used by all participants to simulate both 
‘he current state of eutrophication and the pre-eutrophic scenario, to ensure 
hat differences are solely due to the changes in nutrient inputs between the 
scenarios. Mean values were reported for winter dissolved inorganic nutrients 
and total nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus) and the nitrogen to phosphorus ratio, 
and for growing season chlorophyll, chlorophyll 90° percentile, near-bed 
oxygen minimum and net phytoplankton production on the level of the 
OSPAR assessment areas. Results showed distinctly lower nutrient 
concentrations and nitrogen to phosphorus ratio’s in coastal areas under pre- 
"rontiers in Marine Science

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