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Full text: A compilation of global bio-optical in situ data for ocean-colour satellite applications

were applied per wavelength, which resulted in some obser- 
vations with an incomplete spectrum. 
2.2.3 AErosol RObotic NE Twork-Ocean Color 
AERONET-OC is a component of AERONET, including 
sites where sun photometers operate with a modified mea- 
surement protocol leading to the determination of the fully- 
normalized water-leaving radiance (Zibordi et al., 2006, 
2009). As a result of a collaboration between the Joint 
Research Centre (JRC) and NASA to develop (Hooker et 
al., 2000) and exploit (Zibordi et al., 2002) the technol- 
0gy, this component has been specifically developed for 
che validation of ocean colour radiometric products. The 
strength of AERONET-OC is “the production of standard- 
ızed measurements that are performed at different sites 
with identical measuring systems and protocols, calibrated 
using a single reference source and method, and pro- 
cessed with the same codes” (Zibordi et al., 2006, 2009). 
All high quality data (“Level-2”) were acquired from the 
project website for 1l sites: Abu_Al_Bukhoosh (—25°N, 
53° E), COVE_SEAPRISM (—-36°N, —75° W), Glo- 
ria (44° N, — 29° E), Gustav_Dalen_Tower (—58°N, — 
17° E), Helsinki Lighthouse (— 59° N, — 24° E), LISCO (— 
40°N, — 73° W), Lucinda (— 18° S, — 146° E), MVCO (—- 
41° N, — 70° W), Palgrunden (—58°N, — 13° E; Philipson 
et al., 2016), Venice (- 45° N, — 12° E), and WaveCIS_Site_ 
CSIL6(—-28° N, — 90° W). The compiled variable was “rrs”. 
Remote-sensing reflectance was computed from the original 
‘fully-normalized” water-leaving radiance (see Sect. 2.2.2 
for definition). The solar irradiance (“Fo”), which is not part 
of the AERONET-OC data, was computed from the Thuil- 
lier et al. (2003) solar spectrum irradiance by averaging “Fo” 
over a wavelength-centred 10nm window. Data were com- 
piled for the exact wavelengths of each record, which can 
change over time for a given site depending on the specific 
instrument deployed. In comparison with the previous ver- 
sion of the compilation, the present OC-CCI data set version 
3, now uses the “version 3” reprocessing of AERONET-OC 
data (Zibordi et al., 2021). 
2.2.4 SeaWIiFS Bio-optical Archive and Storage System 
SeaBASS is one of the largest archives of in situ marine bio- 
optical data (Werdell et al., 2003) with a long-established in- 
ventory (Hooker et al., 1994). It is maintained by NASA’s 
Ocean Biology Processing Group (OBPG) and includes mea- 
surements of optical properties, phytoplankton pigment con- 
centrations, and other related oceanographic and atmospheric 
data. The SeaBASS database consists of in situ data from 
multiple contributors, collected using a variety of measure- 
ment instruments with consistent, community-vetted proto- 
cols, from several marine platforms such as fixed buoys, 
zarth Syst. Sci. Data. 14. 5737-5770. 202, 
A. Valente et al.: A compilation of global bio-optical in situ data 
handheld radiometers, and profiling instruments. Quality 
control of the received data includes a rigorous series of pro- 
tocols that range from file format verification to inspection 
of the geophysical data values (Werdell et al., 2003). Radio- 
metric data were mostly acquired through the “validation” 
search tool, which provided in situ data with matchups for 
particular ocean colour sensors (Bailey and Werdell, 2006). 
The criterion in the search-query was defined to have the 
minimal flag conditions in the satellite data, to retrieve a 
greater number of matchups, and therefore in situ data. Re- 
garding phytoplankton pigment data, the majority were ac- 
quired through the “pigment” search tool, which provided 
pigment data directly from the archives. As was stated in 
the SeaBASS website, the “pigment” search tool was orig- 
inally designed to return only in vitro fluorometric measure- 
ments, which is consistent with our approach, but over time 
chlorophyll-a measurements made using other methods (e.g. 
in vivo fluorometry) were included in the retrieved pigment 
data. In the pigment data used in this work, a large number 
of in situ fluorometric measurements from continuous under- 
way instruments were identified and discarded. These data 
were initially identified from cruises with more than 50 ob- 
servations per day and then re-checked in the SeaBASS web- 
site to confirm whether indeed they were continuous under- 
way measurements. A total of 120412 such measurements 
were identified and discarded. Given the large volume of this 
group of data, it is possible that some chlorophyll-a obser- 
vations from in vivo methods may have escaped the scrutiny 
and persisted into the final merged data set. The “pigment” 
search tool was recently discontinued, and instead the “file” 
search tool can be used, which was also used here to acquire 
chlorophyll, as well as radiometric observations, for more 
recent years. The remote sensing reflectance acquired from 
the “file” search tool was corrected for the bidirectional ef- 
fects (Morel and Gentili, 1996; Morel et al., 2002). The com- 
piled variables from SeaBASS data were “rrs”, “chla_hplc”. 
“Chla_fluor”, “aph”, “adg”, “bbp”, and “kd”. 
2.2.5 NASA bio-Optical Marine Algorithm Data set 
NOMAD is a publicly-available data set compiled by the 
NASA OBPCG at the Goddard Space Flight Center. It is a 
high-quality global data set of coincident radiometric and 
phytoplankton pigment observations for use in ocean colour 
algorithm development and satellite-data product-validation 
activities (Werdell and Bailey, 2005). The source bio-optical 
data is the SeaBASS archive; therefore, many dependencies 
axist between these two data sets, which were addressed dur- 
ing the merging. The current version (Version 2.0 ALPHA, 
2008) includes data from 1991 to 2007 and an additional 
set of observations of inherent optical properties. The cur- 
tent version was used in this work, but with an additional 
set of columns of remote-sensing reflectance corrected for 
the bidirectional effects (Morel and Gentili. 1996; Morel et 

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