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from [42]. As part of the classification, the gale index is then classified as NUL (“No Gale”),
G (“Gale”), SG (“Severe Gale”) and VSG (“Very Severe Gale”) if it exceeds the 90th, 98th
and 99.73rd percentile of the climatological G* distribution based on a reference period of
‘971-2000 [43].
2.2.4. Effective Wind
A combination of large scale wind direction (as implicitly marked by the LWT) and
the gale strength can be derived by defining an effective wind. The effective wind is the wind
component (or the part of the wind vector) that has the strongest effect on the water level
at a specific location. In the case of the NSSs considered here, this is the wind direction
driving the water out of the Elbe estuary resulting in an ELW.
In order to identify the wind direction for the effective wind at Cuxhaven, a composite
analysis for the 24 h before the respective 271 ELWs was conducted by averaging the
respective geostrophic wind components (see also Figure A1). This procedure yields the
effective wind direction as 142° (south-easterly wind). Now the daily geostrophic wind
vectors for the entire period were projected onto the wind direction of 142° to the absolute
effective wind, hereafter referred to as “v_eff”, comprising both wind direction and strength
'nto a scalar metric for simple further analysis. We would like to emphasize that the
effective wind calculated here is specific to ELWs at Cuxhaven. This approach has already
been used in several studies related to (positive) storm tides (see, e.g., [45,46]).
2.2.5. Hydrodynamic-Numerical Simulation
In order to investigate how ELWSs in the Elbe estuary will be influenced by future
SLR, the extreme ELW chain-event from 2018 is simulated in combination with several SLR
scenarios using a hydrodynamic-numerical model.
For this study, the three-dimensional hydrodynamic numerical model UnTRIM2 [47]
is used, which solves the three-dimensional shallow water equations on an orthogonal
anstructured grid. By using the subgrid technology described by [47] the model bathymetry
can be discretized with a much finer resolution than the computational grid, which allows
a better description of wetting and drying on the large intertidal areas in the German
Wadden Sea. The effect of wind forcing is implemented in the model according to [48].
The generation of wind waves is not included in the model. We assume, that the effect
of wind waves on the water level during NSS (wave-setup and wave-setdown) can be
neglected because of the offshore directed wind and wave propagation and due to the
limited fetch length and wind speed over the Elbe estuary. The model domain covers
the German Bight from the island Terschelling in the Netherlands to Hvide Sande in
Denmark including the German estuaries Elbe, Weser and Ems with their main tributaries
(see Figure 1b). The topography data of the year 2016 implemented into the model was
generated in the EasyGSH-DB project [49]. The most recent measurements additionally
taken into account in the Elbe estuary are from 2019, taken by the Federal Waterways and
Shipping Administration (WSV).
The ELW chain-event 2018 is simulated using surface wind speed (10 m height) and
surface pressure of COSMO-REAG6 [50] data as meteorological forcing over the model do-
main. The data is generated and made available by the Hans Ertel Center of the University
of Bonn in cooperation with the German Weather Service (DWD) [51]. Since a comparison
of reanalysis data with observational data at Helgoland and Cuxhaven shows that wind
speeds are underestimated during the storm we performed a simple bias correction by
increasing the reanalysis wind speeds by 10% for the simulation. An underestimation of
wind speed in the reanalysis data, especially in the mouth of the Elbe estuary, is most likely
caused by the resolution, which is 6 km in our study area. For COSMO-EU (resolution
of 7 km) [52] calculated correction factors for the Elbe estuary in the range of 1.1 to 1.5.
An evaluation of the performance of COSMO-REA6 wind speed data over the North Sea
can be found in [53]. The discharge into the Elbe estuary required for the hydrodynamic-
numerical simulation of the ELW event 2018, is derived from measured discharge data