<rahmann et al.
nitrogen (PN), filters were exposed to fuming hydrochloric acid
for 12 h to remove carbonate and subsequently dried (60°C,
12h). Analyses were carried out with a Euro EA elemental
analyzer calibrated with an acetanilide standard. Particulate
organic phosphorus (POP) collected on GF/F filters was
determined colorimetrically as ortho-phosphate after potassium
peroxydisulfate digestion following the method of Hansen and
<oroleff (1999). Biogenic silica (BSi) was determined from
material filtered onto cellulose acetate filters (0.8 wm), dissolved
with 25 ml NaOH (0.1 M) at 85°C for 2 h 15 min in a
shaking water bath and analyzed after cooling as Si(OH)4
according to the method by Hansen and Koroleff (1999).
Biogenic opal was calculated assuming a water content of —10%
(Mortlock and Fröhlich, 1989).
Samples for phytoplankton pigment concentrations were
collected by filtration of seawater from the CTD/rosette through
GF/F filters, and stored at —80°C immediately after filtration.
Pigments were extracted by adding 2 ml acetone (90%) to each
filter sample followed by homogenization in a cell mill (Edmund
3uehler GmbH). Each sample was then centrifuged and the
supernatant was filtered through a 0.2 Wm Teflon filter and
analyzed by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
after Franz et al. (2012b). Seawater samples (4 ml) were collected
for analyses of the phytoplankton community composition by
flow cytometry to complement phytoplankton pigment data,
fixed with hexamine/formalin solution and stored at —80°C.
Transparent exopolymer particles (TEP) and Coomassie
stainable particles were filtered under low pressure (<150 mbar)
onto 25 mm Nucleopore polycarbonate membrane filters (0.4 um
pore size, Whatman Ltd.) and stained with Alcian Blue and
Coomassie Brilliant Blue, respectively. Each filter was placed on
the white side of a semi-transparent glass slide (Cytoclear®©)
and stored frozen at —20°C until analysis. TEP and CSP
were determined by microscopy and subsequent image analysis
(Engel, 2009).
Export flux of particles was characterized using surface-
tethered sediment traps (Engel et al., 2017), with Particle
interceptor-Traps (PIT) following Knauer et al. (1979). Each PIT
had an inside diameter of 7 cm, an outside diameter of 7.6 cm
and a height of 53 cm, leading to an aspect ratio of 7.5. PITs were
covered with a baffle system consisting of smaller acrylic tubes
attached to the top end and filled with a 0.2 wm filtered brine
solution containing 50 g 17! sodium chloride to reduce drag
induced movement within the trap. For preservation, formalin
(2% final concentration) was added to the brine solution.
Recovered samples were, at first, passed through a 500 wm nylon
mesh. Swimmers were removed from the mesh using forceps
under a binocular microscope. The remaining particles, which
stuck to the mesh, were transferred back to the sample.
Dissolved Organic Matter, Cell Abundance,
Extracellular Enzyme Rates, and Bacterial Production
For dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and total dissolved nitrogen
(TDN), samples (20 ml) were collected in duplicate on a number
of cruises (Engel et al., 2021; see Table 2 and Supplementary
Table 16), filtered through combusted (8 h, 500°C) GF/F filters
or through syringe filters (0.45 wm glass microfiber GD/X
membrane, WhatmanTM) that were rinsed with 50 ml sample
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and filled into combusted (8 h, 500°C) glass ampoules. Samples
were acidified with 80 ul of 85% phosphoric acid or 20 ul of 30%
ultrapure hydrochloric acid, heat-sealed immediately and stored
at 4°C in the dark until analysis. DOC samples were analyzed by
high-temperature catalytic oxidation (TOC-VCSH, Shimadzu),
as described in more detail in Engel and Galgani (2016).
Samples for the analysis of dissolved amino acids, which
are a combination of free and hydrolysable amino acids (DAA,
4 ml), and dissolved combined carbohydrates (DCHO, —16 ml)
were filtered through rinsed Acrodisc® 0.45 Wm GHP membrane
{Pall) in combusted vials (8 h, 500°C) and stored at —20°C,
tespectively. Prior to analysis DAA were hydrolyzed using
6 N HCI at 100°C for 20 h. Determination of DAA was
carried out on a 1260 HPLC system (Agilent), following the
methods described by Lindroth and Mopper (1979) and Dittmar
et al. (2009), with modifications as described in Engel and
Galgani (2016). For the analysis of free amino acids (FAA) the
same samples were processed without hydrolyzation. DCHO
samples were desalted by membrane dialysis (1 kDa, Spectra
Por) and hydrolyzed using 1 M HCI for 20 h at 100°C prior
to analyses. Samples were analyzed after Engel and Händel
2011) with a high-performance anion exchange chromatography
(HPAEC) (DIONEX ICS3000DC). More detail on molecular
DOM composition may be found in Loginova et al. (2019),
Maßmig et al. (2020), and Maßmig and Engel (2021).
Bacterial abundance was determined by flow cytometry on a
FACS Calibur (Becton Dickinson) after Gasol and del Giorgio
(2000) from 1.6 ml sample, fixed with 0.75 u1 25% glutaraldehyde
on board and stored at —80°C until analyses. To 400 ul sample
10 ul Flouresbrite® fluorescent beads (Polyscience, Inc.) and
10 w1 Sybr Green (Invitrogen) were added.
For the extracellular enzymes leucine aminopeptidase and
B-glucosidase, potential hydrolytic rates were determined
after Hoppe (1983). L-leucine-7-amido-4-methylcoumarin
(Sigma Aldrich) and 4-methylumbelliferyl-B-D-glucopyranoside
(Acros Organics) were used as fluorescent substrate analogs
and added in final concentrations of 1, 5, 10, 20, 50,
80, 100, and 200 uwmol 17! in 69 well plates (Costar).
Afterward, 200 ul sample were added and fluorescence
was measured with a plate reader fluorometer (FLUOstar
Optima, BMG Ilabtech) (excitation: 355 nm; emission:
160 nm) after 0 and 12 h of incubation. For details about
incubation conditions and subsequent calculations see
Vaßmig et al. (2020).
Bacterial production was determined by measuring the
'ncorporation of labeled leucine (31H) that was added at a
saturating final concentration of 20 nmol (specific activity 100
Ci mmol-!, Biotrend) in 1.5 ml of sample (Kirchman et al.,
1985; Smith and Azam, 1992). After 3 h of incubation, samples
were extracted via the centrifugation method according to Smith
and Azam (1992) and measured with a liquid scintillation
counter (Hidex 300 SL, Triathaler!M, FCI). For the estimation
of incorporated carbon, a conversion factor of 1.5 kg C mol!
leucine was used (Simon and Azam, 1989). For further details
about incubation conditions, sample treatment, and subsequent
calculations see Maßmig et al. (2020).
FDOM samples were filtered through 0.2 m polyethersulfone
syringe filters (CHROMAPHIL® Xtra PES—45/25) and stored
3eptember 2021 | Volume 8 | Article 72330«&