Ocean Sci., 15, 1363-1379, 2019
© Author(s) 2019. This work is distributed under
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Ocean Science
Reassessment of long-period constituents for tidal predictions along
the German North Sea coast and its tidally influenced rivers
Andreas Boesch and Sylvin Müller-Navarra
Bundesamt flir Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie, Bernhard-Nocht-Straße 78, 20359 Hamburg, Germany
Correspondence: Andreas Boesch (andreas.boesch@bsh.de)
- Published: 18 October 2019
Received: 12 June 2019 - Discussion started: 18 June 2019
Revised: 9 September 2019 - Accepted: 12 September 2019
Abstract. The harmonic representation of inequalities
(HRoI) is a procedure for tidal analysis and prediction that
combines aspects of the non-harmonic and the harmonic
method. With this technique, the deviations of heights and
lunitidal intervals, especially of high and low waters, from
their respective mean values are represented by superpo
sitions of long-period tidal constituents. This article docu
ments the preparation of a constituents list for the opera
tional application of the harmonic representation of inequal
ities. Frequency analyses of observed heights and lunitidal
intervals of high and low water from 111 tide gauges along
the German North Sea coast and its tidally influenced rivers
have been carried out using the generalized Lomb-Scargle
periodogram. One comprehensive list of partial tides is re
alized by combining the separate frequency analyses and by
applying subsequent improvements, e.g. through manual in
spections of long time series data. The new set of 39 partial
tides largely confirms the previously used set with 43 par
tial tides. Nine constituents are added and 13 partial tides,
mostly in the close neighbourhood of strong spectral com
ponents, are removed. The effect of these changes has been
studied by comparing predictions with observations from 98
tide gauges. Using the new set of constituents, the standard
deviations of the residuals are reduced on average by 2.41 %
(times) and 2.30 % (heights) for the year 2016. The new set
of constituents will be used for tidal analyses and predictions
starting with the German tide tables for the year 2020.
1 Introduction
Tidal predictions for the German Bight are calculated at the
Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (Bundesamt für
Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie, BSH) and are published in
official tide tables each year. The preparation of tidal predic
tions has a long tradition at BSH and its predecessor institu
tions: the first tide tables by the German Imperial Admiralty
were issued for the year 1879.
Since 1954, a method named harmonic representation of
inequalities (HRoI) has been used at BSH to calculate tidal
predictions for tide gauge locations along the German North
Sea coast and its tidally influenced rivers (Horn, 1948, 1960;
Müller-Navarra, 2013). This technique allows for analysing
the deviations of times and heights, especially at high and
low water, from their respective mean values. In contrast to
the widely used harmonic method (e.g. Parker, 2007, and ref
erences therein), the HRoI utilizes only long-period partial
tides. This reduction in frequency space allows for a compu
tationally efficient way to calculate times and heights of high
and low water. Other techniques for tidal analysis of high and
low waters have been described in Doodson (1951) and Fore
man and Henry (1979); these two methods additionally con
sider diurnal and semi-diurnal constituents. The HRoI has
proven to be especially useful for predicting semi-diurnal
tides in shallow waters where the harmonic method would
need a large number (>60) of constituents or could even fail
to produce adequate results. The fundamentals of the HRoI
are summarized in Sect. 2 for completeness.
An important aspect of tidal prediction is the selection of
relevant partial tides (angular velocities, w) to be included
in the underlying analysis of water level records. While it is
possible to determine these partial tides individually for each
single tidal analysis, it is desirable in an operational service
Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union.