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Full text: The Baltic Sea Chart Datum 2000 (BSCD2000) : implementation of a common reference level in the Baltic Sea

MAY 2020 
-0.3 -0.2 -0.1 
0.3 0.4 0.5 
Figure 5: DTU19MDT (Andersen and Knudsen 2009), a specimen for a geodetic model of the mean dynamic 
topography, over the Baltic Sea. It can be considered as a smooth proxy for the height of the recent MSL above the 
BSCD2000 height reference surface. 
The model was derived by combining multi-mission altimetry over a 20 year period with the latest state-of-the-art global 
potential model derived using the GOCE satellite. Consequently, the model is only a proxy for wavelength longer than 
100 km. For this plot, the zero level has been shifted approximately from a global geoid to NAP to roughly match the 
definition of the BSCD2000.

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