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Full text: Baltic Sea operational oceanography

She et al. 
Operational Oceanography and Earth System Science 
Frontiers in Earth Science | 
February 2020 | Volume 8 | Article 7 
should be developed for the corresponding scales with 
high predictability. 
- From physical ocean to ocean system and Earth system: 
o End-to-end Earth system modeling: BOOS and Baltic 
Earth partners from weather and climate, environmental 
and fishery institutes should work together to jointly 
develop end-to-end Baltic Earth system modeling 
framework, including human pressure models, 
atmospheric models, physical and biogeochemical 
ocean models, higher trophic level food-web models 
and socioeconomic models. Such modeling framework 
can be used both at basin and national levels to 
support ecosystem-based management and climate 
change adaptation. 
o Data integration: Multi-disciplinary observations, 
ranging from air, water, seabed and human activity, 
should be collected and disseminated centrally to serve 
multiple operational and research purposes. Currently, 
BOOS and Baltic Earth are working independently 
for their own purposes in this area. Hence, it is 
recommended that a common data infrastructure for 
both research and operational observations should 
be established. 
o Extending forecast from physical ocean to marine 
ecosystem and to the entire Earth system: operational 
(coupled) Earth system model should be developed 
for the Baltic Sea, considering the interactions 
between atmosphere-ocean-wave-sea ice-marine 
biogeochemistry-land surface systems. 
- Between local and basin scales: 
o Stakeholders concern in many cases local applications in 
relation to climate change, e.g., in the coastal-estuary- 
catchment continuum. Basin-scale model systems are 
too coarse for these applications. BOOS partners have 
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Axell, L., and Liu, Y. (2016). Application of 3-D ensemble variational 
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BACC Author Team (2008). Assessment of Climate Change for the Baltic Sea Basin. 
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BACC II Author Team (2015). Second Assessment of Climate Change for the Baltic 
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developed very high resolution operational models to 
address local challenges such as storm surges, coastal 
flooding and eutrophication. However, these local model 
systems are mainly applied for short time scales. Hence, 
also for climate applications high-resolution coastal zone 
models two-way nested into basin-wide Earth system 
models should be developed. 
2. Optimizing research instruments and products: 
- Monitoring network: The Baltic Sea monitoring network, 
including operational, environmental, fishery, and research 
should be harmonized and optimized through fit-for- 
purpose assessment, breaking institutional barriers and 
cost-effective sampling design. Especially, requirements 
and current gaps for observations for operational Earth 
system prediction and long-term Earth system study should 
be identified. 
- Modeling platforms: Standards for the next generation of 
Baltic Earth system models should be defined; common 
technical challenges for both operational, and climate 
models should be identified. Joint forces can be made 
for improving especially high performance computational 
efficiency, grid flexibility, and model coupling interfaces for 
targeted model systems. 
All authors contributed in writing, with JS as lead author and 
main author on operational oceanography, HM as main author 
on Baltic Earth and VH as main author on BAL MFC. 
Funds for supporting this publication is from Danish 
Meteorological Institute. 
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