At least zonal vertical sections from 51.5 °N to 61 °N (distance: 0.5 °N) by using the Kriging method
were created.
Settings vertical-zonal:
no Search 0 (use all data)
Gridpoint distance: dx = 0.05 °E/W (3 km)
dz = 1 m
Result is a 3 dimensional data set of 4753656 salinity data ( 396138 per month).
C Figures of density and heat content:
The above temperature and salinity data were used to derive the density and the heat content.
The atlas is still in progress and will be complemented by more charts and basic informations;
suggestions are welcome.
Many thanks to Petra Einfeldt, who took so much care in digitizing the original charts.
The atlas and the data have been created by the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH)
and are free of charge for non-commercial purposes.
Please quote BSH, when using the files:
Schulz, A., North Sea Atlas - Temperature, Salinity, Density and Heat Content - Monthly Means for the
Period 1902 to 1954, Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie, Hamburg und Rostock 2009