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Full text: A shipboard comparison of analytic methods for ballast water compliance monitoring

Accepted Manuscript 
A shipboard comparison of analytic methods for ballast water 
compliance monitoring 
Johanna Bradie, Katja Broeg, Claudio Gianoli, Jianjun He, 
Susanne Heitmüller, Alberto Lo Curto, Akiko Nakata, Manfred 
Rolke, Lothar Schillak, Peter Stehouwer, Julie Vanden Byllaardt, 
Marcel Veldhuis, Nick Welschmeyer, Lawrence Younan, Andre 
Zaake, Sarah Bailey 
doi: 10.1016/j.seares.2017.01.006 
SEARES 1503 
To appear in: 
Journal of Sea Research 
Received date: 
Revised date: 
Accepted date: 
15 September 2016 
9 December 2016 
26 January 2017 
Please cite this article as: Johanna Bradie, Katja Broeg, Claudio Gianoli, Jianjun He, 
Susanne Heitmüller, Alberto Lo Curto, Akiko Nakata, Manfred Rolke, Lothar Schillak, 
Peter Stehouwer, Julie Vanden Byllaardt, Marcel Veldhuis, Nick Welschmeyer, Lawrence 
Younan, André Zaake, Sarah Bailey , A shipboard comparison of analytic methods for 
ballast water compliance monitoring. The address for the corresponding author was 
captured as affiliation for all authors. Please check if appropriate. Seares(2017), doi: 
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