The BSH New Operational Circulation Model Using General Vertical Co-ordinates
Operational Models of BSH (and DWD)
Meteorological Models
(GME + LME) of
German Weather Service (DWD)
forecasts up to 84 hours
Wave Models (WAM)
of German Weather
Service (DWD)
forecasts up to 84 hrs
I wave data
wind, air pressure, air temperature,
cloud coverage, specific humidity
Circulation Model (BSHcmod)
for North Sea and Baltic Sea
( 3dim„ 5km + 900m grid)
Circulation + Wave Model
for North Sea and Baltic Sea
( 3dim., 5km)
Model data archive: currents, water levels,
eddy coefficients, salinity, temperature, ice data, wave data
Other forcing:
tidal predictions, external
surges (NE Atlantic Model),
river input (BfG), solar
Surge Model (BSHsmod)
for North Sea
(2dim„ 5km, barotropic)
surge data
1 1
Local Circulation
Lagrangian Drift and
Eulerian Dispersion Model
for estuaries
Dispersion Model
(Elbe, Weser, Ems)
for conservative substances
for oil, drifting objects and
and suspended matter
conservative substances
Fig. 1. The BSH’s model system driven by models of the German Weather Sendee (DWD)
2. The Circulation Model
The circulation models of the North Sea and the
Baltic are three-dimensional and take into account
meteorological conditions, tides, and external surges
entering the North Sea from the Atlantic as well as
river runoff from the major rivers. Predictions for up
to 84 hours are computed in daily routine runs, using
meteorological and wave forecasts supplied by the
German Weather Service (DWD). Tidal forcing is
calculated from the harmonic constants of 14 tidal
constituents. External surges entering the North Sea
are computed by a model of the Northeast Atlantic
and are superimposed on tidal forcing. The new
version of the two-dimensional NE Atlantic model
has a grid spacing of about 10 km and is also forced
by meteorological data provided by DWD.
The circulation model simulates density driven
(baroclinie) currents, which are of major importance
in the Baltic Sea. Current freshwater input data of the
most important rivers are provided by the Swedish
Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI)
and the Federal Institute of Hydrology (BfG) in
Germany. Heat exchange between the air and water is
computed by means of bulk formulae using DWD
forecast data. To simulate temperature and salinity
advection, the model uses a conservative, shape
preserving numerical scheme of low numerical
diffusion (Kleine, 1993). As hydrodynamics is also
influenced by ice conditions in the North Sea and the
Baltic, an ice model has been integrated to simulate
the formation, melting, and drift of sea ice.
In the BSH’s North Sea and the Baltic Sea
model, the hydrodynamic parameters are computed on
two nested and interactively coupled grid nets. Grid
spacing in the new model version 4 has been reduced
to approx. 900 m in the German Bight and the western
Baltic Sea, and approx. 5 km in the other areas of the
North Sea and the Baltic Sea. Even bigger changes
have been made to the vertical grid structure as
compared to the former version. Version 4 not only
has a larger number of layers and a higher vertical
resolution but also incorporates a new co-ordinate
system with weakly inclined flexible co-ordinate
surfaces. A detailed description of the improved
model will be provided in the following sections.