Ausrüstung der Nordseeboje III auf dem BSH-Gelände am
Kirchenpauerkai in Hamburg
North Sea Buoy III being eguipped at BSH’s Kirchenpauerkai guay
in Hamburg
Entwicklungen beobachten -
Gefahren erkennen
Aus diesem Grund nehmen wir mit den BSH-For-
schungsschiffen systematisch Wasserproben, unter
anderem zur Bestimmung von Schad- und Nähr
stoffen, radioaktiven Substanzen oder zur Analyse
sonstiger Problemstoffe, die das ökologische Gleich
gewicht beeinträchtigen könnten. In unseren Labora
torien erfolgt dann die exakte chemische Untersu
chung der einzelnen Substanzen. Diese Ergebnisse -
zusammen mit den ebenfalls gemessenen physikali
schen Daten wie Temperatur, Salzgehalt und Strö
mung und all den Daten, die wir über von uns betrie
bene automatische Messnetze gewinnen - ermög
lichen es, den Zustand von Nord- und Ostsee zu be
werten und zumindest langfristig ursächliche Zusam-
mosalc of the BSH’s manifold tasks. To protect the
oceans, you must have profound knowledge of the
processes taking place. What are the Immediate and
long-term Impacts of contaminants In the North and
Baltic Seas? How does the ecosystem react to
changes, e. g. novel uses and activities? To answer
questions like these, continuous monitoring over long
periods of time is necessary, with follow-up research
on the basis of the data obtained.
To observe developments and
identify hazards
Against this background, we routinely take water
samples during cruises of the BSH research vessels
and determine their contaminant and nutrient levels,
radioactivity and other factors liable to affect the
ecological balance. At our laboratories, we carry out
thorough chemical analyses of the samples. These
data, together with the measurement results of physi
cal parameters like temperature, salinity, and cur
rents as well as the data from automated monitoring
networks operated by us, enable us to assess the
status of the North and Baltic Seas and to determine
causal relationships, at least in the longer term. An
example is the correlation between eutrophication
and mass developments of algae, or that between
pesticides and impaired development of marine
Our observation series have shown a clear reduction
of phosphate levels and heavy metal concentrations
in the German Bight. Excessive nutrient Input due to
agricultural fertilizers, sewage treatment plants and
waste gases from traffic and industry is now observ
ed only in the the near-shore coastal waters of the
North Sea. In 2002, our environmental monitoring net
work in the North and Baltic Seas will be upgraded
by two additional stations: “Nordseeboje III“ and
“Arkona Becken“. These enormous buoys, which are
some 20 metres high and have a service life of about