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Full text: Jahresbericht 2005

BSH kompakt 
• The water police authorities 
of the German coastal states 
checked 7,489 vessels 
• Deficiencies were found in 
1,322 cases, 131 of which were 
referred to the BSH for further 
• 161 proceedings involved 
administrative offences 
• Fines in the total amount of 
• The proceedings were stayed 
in 41 cases 
• 248 reported cases of water 
• 35 probable polluters 
• Analysis of 64 oil samples as 
part of criminal proceedings 
• BSH chairs international 
group of oil identification 
Fines for environmental offences 
Effective marine environmental protection requires monitoring of the gradual, 
persistent changes taking place in the natural habitat. Besides monitoring, 
our focus is on the prosecution of environmental offences posing an 
immediate threat to the marine environment. The BSH prosecutes violations of 
environmental regulations by shipping which constitute administrative offences. 
Fines are imposed, e.g., for violations of regulations concerning the handling of 
chemicals, ship’s wastes and garbage. 
We are also dealing with illegal discharge lines bypassing the engine room 
control systems, which are used to discharge oily residues overboard. 
Environmental polluters at sea can be clearlyidentified by means of a computer- 
aided method that has been developed by the BSH and allows precise pollutant 
analyses. The BSH oil identification method is also made available to third 
parties within the framework of international co-operation.

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