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Full text: Jahresbericht 2005

BSH kompakt 
• WEND-Ausschuss zum Auf 
bau des weltweiten Datennetz 
werkes der IHO für elektronische 
Seekarten, Monaco 
• Leitungsausschuss des 
Internationalen Datenzentrums 
für elektronische Seekarten 
(IC-ENC), Taunton, UK 
• OSPAR Arbeitsgruppe über 
Konzentrationen, Trends und 
Auswirkungen von Substazen 
In der marinen Umwelt (SIME), 
Vigo, Spanien 
• ICES-Arbeltsgruppe über 
ozeanographlsche Hydrogra 
phie, Rhode Island, USA 
• Sitzung des Marinen Umwelt 
labors (MEL) der IAEA, Monaco 
• Internationale Konferenz über 
marine Daten- und Inform- 
tlonssysteme (IMDIS), Brest, 
Seekarten von Skandinavien bis Nordafrika für fast alle europäischen 
Seegebiete erscheinen. 
Neuausrüstung eines 
In Sri Lanka 
New equipment for Sri 
Lankan survey vessel 
• I MO Maritime Safety Com 
mittee; London, UK 
• EU; Inter alia, group of 
notified bodies (MarED); Inter 
national Ship and Port Security 
group (MarSec), Brussels 
• HELCOM Maritime Group: 
safety of shipping and environ 
mental protection In the Baltic 
Sea, Klaipeda, Lithuania 
Expanding our influence 
The BSH Is actively engaged also on the International stage. Measures to 
improve the safety of navigation and the effectiveness of marine environmental 
protection can only be Implemented successfully if they are supported by the 
community of states. A practical example of such “alliance” is the BSH’s 
support provided to the Hydrographic Office of Sri Lanka, whose hydrographic 
and marine scientific equipment were destroyed almost completely 
in the tsunami. The BSH participates in a several-year reconstruction project, for 
which €1 million In Instant aid has been made available.

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