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Full text: Jahresbericht 2013 - Umweltschutz im Seeverkehr

BSH-Mitarbeit in Gremien 85 
JCOMM Expert Team on Sea Ice 
Dr. Jürgen Holfort 
Data Buoy Cooperation Panel (DBCP) 
Kai Herklotz 
Intersessional Financial Advisory Group and 
Ad hoc open-ended working group to develop a 
draft of the Medium-term Strategy for 
Ralf Wasserthal 
International Centre for 
Steering Committee 
Dr. Mathias Jonas (stellv. Vorsitz) 
Electronic Navigational 
Charts (IC-ENC) 
Commercial Working Group (CWG) 
Monika Woisin-Michelsen 
International Council for 
Oceanography Committee 
the Exploration 
of the Sea 
(ICES, Internationaler 
Rat für Meeresfor 
-> Working Group on Integrative, Physical- 
biological and Ecosystem Modeling (WGIPEM) 
Dr. Frank Janssen 
-> Working Group on Operational Oceano 
graphic Products for Fisheries and 
Environment (WGOOFE) 
Holger Klein 
-> Working Group on Data and Information 
Management (WGDIM) 
Friedrich Nast 
-> Working Group on Oceanic Hydrography 
Holger Klein 
Marine Habitat Committee 
-> Working Group on the Effects of Extraction of 
Marine Sediments on the Marine Environment 
Dr. Manfred Zeiler 
-> Working Group on Marine Chemistry 
Dr. Norbert Theobald 
-> Working Group on Marine Sediments in 
Relation to Pollution 
Dr. Stefan Schmolke 
Marine Environmental Quality Committee 
-> Advisory Committee on the Marine 
Dr. Norbert Theobald 
-> Advisory Committee on the Marine 
Environment ICES/IOC/IMO Working Group 
on Ballast and Other Ship Vectors 
Dr. Manfred Rolke 
-> ICES/IOC/IMO Working Group on Introduction 
and Transfers of Marine Organisms 
Dr. Manfred Rolke 
International Electrotech 
nical Commission (IEC, 
Arbeitsgruppe „TC 18/MT 21“ 
Kai-Jens Schulz-Reifer; 
Jörn Kallauch 
Internationale Elektro 
technische Kommission) 
Arbeitsgruppe „TC 80/WG 1 
(Shipborne Radar/ARPA)“ 
Hans-Karl v. Arnim 
Arbeitsgruppe „TC 80/MT 4 
(Track Control Systems)“ 
Joachim Behnke

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