JJ. Haapala et al.
■ 1961-1990(max) ■ 1971-2000(max) ■ 1981-2010( max)
• 1961-199CH mean) • 1971-2000(mean) • 1981-2010(mean)
• • ,
• •
• • •
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Fig. 8.8 Mean and extreme annual maximum ice thickness (for winters with ice only) on the German Baltic Sea coast within the 30-year periods
1961-1990, 1971-2000 and 1981-2010 (Schmelzer et al. 2012)
8.5 Conclusion
Sea ice conditions in the Baltic Sea have been systematically
monitored for more than a century. All sea ice-related
parameters display large interannual variability, but a
change towards milder ice winters has been observed over
the past 100 years: in particular, the annual maximum ice
extent has decreased, and the length of the ice season has
become shorter. Interannual variability in sea ice conditions
is principally driven by the large-scale atmospheric circu
lation. In particular, the winters of strong westerly circula
tion, that is during positive phases of the NAO, have
manifested as a minimum ice cover in the Baltic Sea.
However, a winter without any ice formation in the Baltic
Sea is far from the present climatology. According to some
300 years of records of annual maximum sea ice extent, the
northernmost sub-basin, the Bothnian Bay, has been entirely
ice-covered even during the mildest winters, and the length
of the ice season near the coast has been 150 days at a
In addition to a tendency towards milder winters, the
occurrence of severe ice winters, when the southern Baltic
Sea is ice-covered, has also decreased considerably over the
past 25 years. Although these observations are consistent
with the changes in global climate, ice season length
declined to a similar extent during the first half of the
twentieth cenUtry, when anthropogenically derived green
house gas emissions are likely to have had almost no impact
on climate. Long-term changes in the Baltic Sea regions
have been interpreted as the result of a recovery from the
‘Little Ice Age’ (Omstedt et al. 2004), but changes in sea ice
could also be due to shipping. Motivation for sea ice mea
surements has been the provision of data for shipping, and
consequently, monitoring sites have typically been located
near harbours. Ship-induced waves are known to prevent the
formation of a permanent ice cover in auUimn and also to
enhance break-up of the ice cover in spring, and so an
increase in the size of vessels and the intensity of shipping
activity could also affect local ice conditions.
Open Access This chapter is distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution Noncommercial License, which permits any
noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original author(s) and source are credited.
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