Volume 27
North Sea Storminess from a Novel Storm Surge Record since AD 1843*
Sönke Dangendorf, + Sylvin Müller-Navarra, # Jürgen Jensen, +
Frederik Schenk,® Thomas Wahl, & and Ralf Weisse**
+ Research Institute for Water and Environment, University of Siegen, Siegen, Germany
* German Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH), Hamburg, Germany
® Institute for Coastal Research, Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht, Geesthacht, Germany, and Linné
Flow Centre, Department of Mechanics, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
& College of Marine Science, University of South Florida, St. Petersburg, Florida, and Research
Centre Siegen (FoKoS), University of Siegen, Siegen, Germany
** Institute for Coastal Research, Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht, Geesthacht, Germany
(Manuscript received 19 July 2013, in final form 6 January 2014)
The detection of potential long-term changes in historical storm statistics and storm surges plays a vitally
important role for protecting coastal communities. In the absence of long homogeneous wind records, the
authors present a novel, independent, and homogeneous storm surge record based on water level observa
tions in the North Sea since 1843. Storm surges are characterized by considerable interannual-to-decadal
variability linked to large-scale atmospheric circulation patterns. Time periods of increased storm surge levels
prevailed in the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries without any evidence for significant long-term trends.
This contradicts with recent findings based on reanalysis data, which suggest increasing storminess in the
region since the late nineteenth century. The authors compare the wind and pressure fields from the
Twentieth-Century Reanalysis (20CRv2) with the storm surge record by applying state-of-the-art empirical
wind surge formulas. The comparison reveals that the reanalysis is a valuable tool that leads to good results
over the past 100 yr; previously the statistical relationship fails, leaving significantly lower values in the upper
percentiles of the predicted surge time series. These low values lead to significant upward trends over the
entire investigation period, which are in turn supported by neither the storm surge record nor an independent
circulation index based on homogeneous pressure readings. The authors therefore suggest that these dif
ferences are related to higher uncertainties in the earlier years of the 20CRv2 over the North Sea region.
1. Introduction
Storm surges represent a serious hazard for coastal
areas and are expected to become more severe in a
warming climate (von Storch 2014) because of the ef
fects of rising mean sea level (MSL; Slangen et al. 2012)
and potential changes in regional wind fields (Woth et al.
2006). Global MSL has risen through the last century
(e.g.. Church and White 2011) and is expected to rise
* Supplemental information related to this paper is available at
the Journals Online website: http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-13-
Corresponding author address: Sonke Dangendorf, Research
Institute for Water and Environment, University of Siegen, Paul-
Bonatz-Str. 9-11, 57076 Siegen, Germany.
E-mail: soenke.dangendorf@uni-siegen.de
DOI: 10.1175/JCLI-D-13-00427.1
also through the twenty-first century, potentially at an
accelerated rate (e.g., Slangen et al. 2012), shifting the
entire distribution of extreme sea levels on a higher base
level (Hunter 2010). MSL changes in the North Sea re
gion were recently reviewed by Wahl et al. (2013). While
an ongoing sea level rise is evident, changes in atmo
spheric circulation and storminess are presently more
uncertain (Weisse and von Storch 2010, and references
therein). This is partly because the detection of past
changes in storminess is often hampered by inhomogeneous
or biased wind measurements (e.g., Lindenberg et al.
2012). Hence, the scientific community proceeded to the
evaluation of more homogeneous storminess proxies,
which have been observed over longer time periods.
Typical examples for such proxies are storm indices
calculated from single station pressure readings (e.g..
Barring and von Storch 2004; Hanna et al. 2008), high
annual percentiles of geostrophic winds derived through
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