Figure 6. Average
activity concentra
tions of Ra-226 (Bq
kg -1 d.w.) in surface
sediments (0-10 cm)
at different sampling
stations in the Baltic
Sea at the beginning
of the 2000s.
5.5 Ra-226
Radium-226 is a naturally occurring radionu
clide in soils and sediments. Average activity
concentrations of Ra-226 (Bq kg -1 dry weight) in
surface sediments (0-10 cm) of the Baltic Sea
are shown in Figure 6. In general, Ra-226 is quite
evenly distributed in the seabed; typical activity
concentrations in soft sediments of the Baltic Sea
are 30-70 Bq kg -1 dry weight. Since samples
are usually taken only from the surface layers of
the sediments and the lengths of the sediment
cores may vary considerably, it is not relevant to
evaluate the total inventory of Ra-226 in the Baltic
Sea sediments based on the results from the
surficial sediments only. In spite of that, supposing
that the total amounts of Ra-226 would be equal
on soft and hard bottoms (a not-proven starting
hypothesis), a rough estimate results in a total
inventory of about 420 TBq of Ra-226 in the 0-10
cm surface layer of the Baltic Sea sediments.
5.6 Th-232
Thorium-232 is a long-lived naturally occurring
radioactive metal in soil, rocks, water, and sedi
ments. Results on Th-232 were reported only
from the southern Baltic Proper, the Belt Sea, the
Kattegat, and the Sound. The activity concentra
tions varied between 13 Bq kg -1 and 42 Bq kg -1
dry weight and the total amounts in the surface