for the deep triangle contrary to the spectra of the
shelf triangle, where the spectrum rises only slowly
from inertial to lower frequencies,
The spectra of the sea level variations cannot easi«-
ly be compared because of the different lengths of
record. Both spectra show the peak at the semi=
diurnal, and at station (22) also the diurnal tide,
Here the peak at the quarter-diurnal tide seems to
be persistent, too. Other peaks have still to be eri-
tically examined,
6, Summary
The two triangles which form the current meter array
in the East Icelandic Shelf region, cover a hetero-
geneous oceanographical area, The records off the
shelf suggest that, at the bottom, overflow-like
water moves parallel to the isobaths from the South
to the West. The upper layers of the deep triangle
and the entire shelf triangle are under the influence
of the frontal zone, between the East Iceland Current
in the North, particularly at station (21), and the
warın Atlantic Water. The frontal zone seems to be
quite stationary in the area of the shelf triangle,
whereas in the deep triangle it moves slowly through
the array, The motions of this frontal zone are recor-
ded mainly by the instruments closest to the shelf
edge, the moorings farther away from this shelf edge
showing the least influence,