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Full text: R&D-Project - Identification of organic compounds in the North and Baltic Seas

European Arctic, which is significantly exposed to long range atmospheric transport 
from North America. However, trans- and cA-nonachlor could be implemented into 
routine analysis by mass spectrometry as indicator compounds for chlordanes. This is 
easy, since only two additional masses have to be included into the standard measuring 
Dicofol should not be included in marine routine monitoring programmes because of its 
restricted use and low stability in sea water. 
Chlorpyrifos and Endosulfan, too, should not be monitored in the North and Baltic 
Seas on a routine basis. However, additional data on chlorpyrifos-ethyl and endosulfan I 
should be collected in the next two years in order to increase the statistical significance 
of the results obtained so far. The surveys should include the matrices water, sediment, 
and biota. 
Pentachlorophenol should be monitored at least in the coastal waters of the North Sea. 
The screening survey in the Baltic Sea covering the matrices sediment and biota should 
be finalised; it should be followed by a final statement on monitoring requirements. 
Trifluralin is recommended to be routinely monitored in water and biota, with a focus 
on seasonal variations.

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