and 1.9 pg/kg lw were observed. The measured sea water concentrations of endosulfan
were about ten times lower than the proposed WFD EQS of 0.5 ng/L.
The observed concentrations and distribution patterns are best explained by a low
general background load by e.g. atmospheric deposition or only minor local sources.
Concentrations in the river Elbe - the most important source of pollutant input to the
German Bight - are often around or below the LOQ. Therefore, no distinct
concentration gradients have been observed in the German Bight. Considering the low
concentrations of local sources, it is astonishing that endosulfan has been detected in the
North and Baltic Seas at all.
Concentrations of endosulfan in water were higher than for classical lipophilic
pollutants such as HCB, DDT, PCBs or PAHs but below those for HCH. Compared to
classical chlorinated pollutants, the endosulfan concentration in sediment is about 10 to
100 times lower. The bioaccumulation potential of endosulfan becomes apparent when
comparing concentrations in the three compartments investigated. The estimated
“enrichment” of endosulfan in biota compared to the water phase is about 17,600 based
on wet weight, and 76000 based on lipid weight.
The observed endosulfan levels in biota are comparable to classical pollutants like HCH
and HCB but below the more lipophilic DDT and PCB group. In 2000, typical HCH
concentrations in the German Bight ranged from 0.2 to 0.6 pg/kg ww; HCB had a
median of 0.84 pg/kg ww, and the sum of DDTs one of 3.7 pg/kg ww. The low
concentrations of endosulfan in the North Sea and Baltic Sea is well explainable by its
pattern of use in Europe. According to the OSPAR commission’s background paper on
endosulfan, endosulfan is used mainly in the south of Europe, while only 38.1 t/a were
used in the countries bordering the North Sea and Baltic Sea in 1999. In most north
European countries, endosulfan has not been used any more since the mid-1990s.
2.2.10 Dicofol in the marine environment of the North and Baltic Seas
Dicofol was not detectable in North Sea and Baltic Sea water (LOD: 1 ng/L).
Degradation experiments in sea water showed a half-life of less than one day.