Table 38: Concentrations of chlordanes [ng/g dry weight respective in ng/g TOC] for sediments from the
North and Baltic Sea. The internal standard 4,5-DCCD was not added to the samples of 2002.
Therefore, frans-nonachlor, which elutes in the fractions FI and F2 was not quantifiable 123
Table 39: Concentrations of sPCAs und mPCAs in surface water in Germany (WFIO, 1996) 126
Table 40: Composition and source of the sPCA and mPCA reference mixtures employed for
quantification or for composition characterisation 130
Table 41: Manufacturer and concentrations chlordane solutions used for quantification. The purity was
>99 % except for MC8 and 4,5-dichlorchlordene 132
Table 42: Mass-to-charge ratios of the [M-Cl]" ions (abbreviated as X in the table) of the two most
abundant isotope signals of sPCA and mPCA congeners used for quantification and
identification in the ECNI-MS mode 136
Table 43: Mass-to-charge ratios of ion selected for the internal standards e-HCH and 13 Q 0 -trans-
chlordane as well as for other polychlorinated compounds included during method
development. The ECNI-MS mode was applied 137
Table 44: Selected precursor and product ions for the determination of the total PC A content by EI-
MS/MS with an ion trap and triple quadrupole mass spectrometer. Important instrument
parameters and the masses for the internal standard ’C1 0 -rrc//?,v-chIordane are also given 140
Table 45: Mass-to-charge ratios of ions of single chlordane compounds used for quantification and
identification in the ECNI-MS mode 142
Table 46: Selected precursor and product ions for the determination of selected chlordanes by EI-MS/MS
with a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer. Important instrument parameters and the masses for
the internal standard 13 Cio-frani-chlordane are also given 143
Table 47: Average molar mass and average chlorine content of PC As present in fish liver from the North
and Baltic Sea and of the reference standards used for quantification according to Tomy et al.
(1997). ECNI was applied for determination 144
Table 48: C H4/C H2CI2-NICI-M S determination of average molar mass and average chlorine content of
PCAs present in sediments from the Baltic and North Sea and of the reference standards used
for quantification (see Tomy et al. (1997)). This procedure required sediments with levels >50
ng/g dw 145
Table 49: Survey over analysed fish samples (cod: Gadus morhua, flounder: Platychtus flesus, North Sea
dab: Limanda limanda) from the North and Baltic Sea. EI-MS/MS was applied for screening
and ECNI-MS for quantification of PCAs and chlordanes. Only sample NS1 was analysed by
CH4/CH2CI2-NICI as part of method development 146
Table 50: Survey over analysed biota from the northern North Atlantic and Bear Island. Sampling sites:
Cod (Gadus morhua) from NW Europe, Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) and seabirds (little
auk: Alle alle, kittiwake: Rissa tridactyla, glaucous gull: Larus hyperboreus) from the Arctic
Bear Island (Lake Ellasjpen). Information is also given about the applied methods for the
determination of PCAs 147
Table 51 Physico-chemical properties of chlorpyrifos-ethyl and -methyl 153
Table 52: Survey of lowest value of prolonged toxicity of chlorpyrifos-ethyl to aquatic organisms 154
Table 53: Overview of chlorpyrifos-ethyl concentrations in water samples, sediments, and biota 154
Table 54: Physico-chemical properties of dicofol 156
Table 55: Survey of acute / chronic toxicity of dicofol to aquatic organisms 156
Table 56: Overview of dicofol concentrations in the environment 157
Table 57: Physico-chemical properties of endosulfan 158
Table 58: Survey of acute / chronic toxicity of endosulfan to aquatic organisms 159
Table 59: Overview of endosulfan concentrations in the environment 160
Table 60: Physico-chemical properties of PCP 161
Table 61: Survey of acute / chronic toxicity of PCP to aquatic organisms 161
Table 62: Overview of PCP concentrations in the environment 162
Table 63: Physico-chemical properties of trifluralin 163
Table 64: Survey of acute / chronic toxicity of trifluralin to aquatic organisms 163
Table 65: Overview of detection methods for the target compounds 164
Table 66: Blank values in water samples 175
Table 67: Blank values in sediment samples 175