Table 23:
Table 24:
Table 25:
Table 26:
Table 27:
Table 28:
Table 29:
Table 30:
Table 31:
Table 32:
Table 33:
Table 34:
Table 35:
Table 36:
Table 37:
amount 1.5-2.5 pg of sPCA (55.5 % Cl) or 1.5-20 pg of mPCA (52 % Cl) mixture). ECNI was
employed for quantification 78
Relative recoveries [%] of selected chlordane compounds in biota after the two clean-up steps
(column chromatography with silica gel/sulphuric acid and adsorption chromatography with
Florisil ®). Samples of 10 g were spiked with 10 ng of each compound in 10 Ltl of cyclohexane.
Composition of technical and synthetic PCA mixtures determined by ECNI. Specified and
calculated chlorine content [%] are given as well as calculated molecular weights [g/mol] and
relative abundances of the Ci 0 , C n , C J2 and C i3 congeners. Technical PCA mixture with a
chlorine content <61 % are marked with a grey shading 82
Survey over analysed biota including capture locations, date, species and gender. Samples are
arranged according to locations and not sample numbers. Maps of the sites are given in Figures
7-9 87
PCA concentrations determined by ECNI (sPCAs: EC10-C13, mPCAs: EC14-Q5 and s+mPCAs:
EC10-C15) and lipid content in biota from the Baltic and North Sea, and from the Northern North
Atlantic. Samples are listed in order of capture locations as in Table 25 89
Concentration of PCA in different fish species worldwide. For details, see references 91
Comparison of concentrations of s+mPCA, DDT-compounds, PCBs and toxaphenes in biota
from the European Arctic. Literature data were given in ng/g ww. Therefore, also s+mPCA
levels were expressed similarly 95
Relative contribution of Ci 0 and Ci 2 groups to total sPCA in cod liver from the northern North
Atlantic and the Baltic Sea as well as in biota liver from Bear Island. Data are also compared
with technical sPCA mixtures. C i0 /Cn ratios are given to illustrate the changes 100
Concentrations (ng/g wet weight) of selected chlordanes in fish liver from the North and Baltic
Sea collected in 2002 and 2003. Concentrations in brackets are based on lipid weight (lw).
Samples OS6 and OS7 could not be analysed, since the complete sample (one liver) had to be
used for PCA analysis 103
Published concentrations of Echlordanes (ng/g lipid weight (lw) of cis/trans-nonachlor,
r/v/rra/rv-chlordane and oxychlordane) in fish from the North and Baltic Sea 106
Average concentrations ng/g (wet weight basis) and standard deviations of chlordane
compounds in sixteen livers from male (n=7) and female (n=9) cod from the Lofot Islands
caught in 1995 (Karlsson et al, 2000) 106
Overview over analysed sediments including sample location, year, total organic carbon (TOC)
content and applied methodology. ECNI and CH 4 /CH 2 C1 2 -NICI could not be applied to samples
with total PCA concentrations below ca. 50 ng/g dw due to insufficient sensitivity.
Determination of formula and congener group profiles by ECNI became only possible with new
instrumentation at the end of the project. Samples were re-analysed with ECNI, if a sufficient
sample amount still was available (>5 g) 110
Total PCA concentrations obtained by El-MS/MS as well as sPCAs and mPCAs levels
determined by CH4/CH 2 C1 2 -NICI in sediments from the Baltic Sea. This method covers CI3.10-
compounds, while conventional ECNI detects CI5.10 PCA. Concentrations determined by ECNI
are given in brackets for some samples to demonstrate that generally lower levels are found
with this method Ill
Literature survey of reported PCA concentrations in sediments world-wide and comparison
with additional samples analysed during this study by EI-MS/MS to increase the data base for
comparison. All data are given in ng/g dry weight (dw). No TOC data were available for
literature data 114
Relative abundances obtained by CH 4 /CH 2 C1 2 -NICI-MS of sPCA- and mPCA congener groups
in selected sediments from the North and Baltic Sea and in technical PCA mixtures. No
determination was possible for samples with a total PCA level <50 ng/g dw (see Table 34 and for explanation) 118
Relative abundance of s- and mPCA formula and congener groups (C10-15CI5-10X calculated
molecular weight, chlorine content and main components in sediments and suspended matter
from rivers. Determination was carried out by HRGC-ECNI-LRMS 119