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Full text: 44: System Nordsee - Zustand 2005 im Kontext langzeitlicher Entwicklungen

System Nordsee 
List of Tables 
Atmospheric Physics 
Table 2-1: Calendar of daily weather types in 2005. Red: C & CDIR; Blue: A & ADIR; Bold (+, ++]: 
Gale (severe, very severe) 45 
Table 2-2: Contingency table of weather types in 2005 (%) 45 
Table 2-3: Classification of monthly 5LP (-anomaly) fields (Fig. 2-9 to Fig. 2-11), most freguent 
weather types (days) from Fig. 2-7, and NAO Index (Fig. 2-1) 57 
Table 2-4: North Sea Wind statistics. Means and standard deviations (m/s) for zonal (u, s u ) and 
meridional wind components (v, s v ), vector wind and direction (V, V djr ), velocity (Vel), persis 
tence (V/Vel in %), and »area« of 50%-probability ellipse (FE 50 = 1.3863 n s a s b in J/kg). ...60 
Physical Oceanography 
Table 3-1: Calendar of daily circulation patterns in the German Bight in 2005 88 
Table 3-2: Wave height statistics (model data, all entries in m). The 90th percentile divides the 
waveheight distribution 9:1. For a location map cf. Fig. 3-9, p.94 95 
Table 3-3: Percent freguency distribution and statistics of significant wave height (SWFI) near 
Flelgoland (waverider data, no wave direction). The 90th percentile divides the waveheight 
distribution 9:1 97 
Table 3-4: Percent freguency distribution of wind speed and direction at light vessel >Deutsche 
BuchU in 2005 (WAM-Forcing, DWD) 98 
Table 3-5: Same as Table 3-4, but for windsea (WAM-Model, DWD) 98 
Table 3-6: Percent freguency distribution of wind speed and direction at >Ekofisk< in 2005 (WAM- 
Forcing, DWD) 101 
Table 3-7: Same as Table 3-6, but for windsea (WAM-Modei, DWD) 101 
Table 3-8: Fieat content and temperature of the 1 m wide water wall along 56 °N during 1998 - 
2008 119 
Table 3-9: Fractional North Sea area (%) with near-bottom salinity exceeding 35 (Atlantic wa 
ter) mit Win ter NAO-Index (Loewe and Koslowski 1998) 136 
Marine Chemistry 
Table 4-1: RVGauß monitoring cruises in 2005, and data used in this state assessment (X). 152 
Table 4-2: Estimated nutrient concentrations with 95% prediction limits (pmol/L) for coastal 
water (S 30 ) and sea water of the German Bight proper (S 33 ) 163 
Table 4-3: Concentrations ofn-Alkanes in North Sea sea water in August 2005 195 
Table 4-4: Polar pesticides in the German Bight in 2005. Concentrations (ng/L) are regional 
sample medians, except for Elbe River (1 sample, only). Concentrations below limit ofguan- 
tification (<...) enter overall statistics as 0.5 x LoQ. 214 
Table 4-5: Background concentrations of cadmium, copper, lead, mercury and zinc in the dis 
solved fraction (water) and in sediment (< 20 pm). Water: OSPAR region >Greater North Sea<, 
sediment: BSFi sediment core samples from the German Bight 220 
Table 4-6: Dissolved metal concentrations in the German Bight in Jan/Feb 2005. Samples strat 
ified as to salinity, concentrations in ng/L 223 
Table 4-7: Fine grain fractions (Xf20) and metal concentrations in surface sediments from trend

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