Nederlandsch Meteorologisch Institut, Utrecht. Maandelijksche windkaarten van den
No or d-Atlantis eben Oceaan. Serie 1 en 2. Bevattende de maanden Decem
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Meteorologische Waarnemingen en Diepzeeloodingen. Gedaan aan Boord van
„De Willem Barentz“, Kommandant A. de Bruijne, in de Spitzbergen- en
Barents-Zee in den Zomer van 1879. Utrecht 1880. 4°.
Nederlandsch meteorologisch Jaarhoek voor 1876, 25. jaargang, 2. deel. 1880,
82. jaargang, 1. deel. Utrecht 1880. 81. 4°.
Negretti and Zambra’s encyclopaedic illustrated and descriptive reference catalogue
of optical, mathematical, philosophical, photographic, and standard meteoro
logical instruments, manufactured and sold by them. London (1881). 8°.
Niederlage der Dänischen Kriegsschiffe „Christian der Achte“ und „Geiion“ bei
Eckernförde am 5. April 1849 durch die Schleswig-Holst. Strand- und die
Herzogi. Nassauischen Feld-Batterien. Lithographie von Bollow. Verlag
von B. S. Berendsohn in Hamburg.
Norie, J. W., A complete set of nautical tables, containing all that are requisite,
with the Nautical Almanac, in keeping a ship’s reckoning at sea, and in
ascertaining the latitude and longitude by celestial observations; including a
new, accurate, and extensive table of the latitudes and longitudes of the
principal ports, harbours, capes, etc. in the world, with several other new
and improved tables. To which is prefixed, a copious explanation of the
tables; likewise astronomical problems for finding the latitude by double
altitudes of the sun, and the longitude by lunar observations, and by a
chronometer, or timekeeper. London 1808. 8°.
Dasselbe Werk. 3. (stereotype) edition. London 1813. 8°.
New and complete piloting directions for the Bristol and St. George’s
Channels, containing a maritime description of the West coasts of England,
Scotland and Wales, from Hartland Point to the Island of Jura; the South-
East, East, and North coasts of Ireland from Waterford Harbour to Rachlin
Island and Loch Foyle; etc. etc. Fourth edition. London 1832. 8°.
Norske Nordhavs-Expedition, Den, 1876—1878. [In norwegischer und englischer
1. Collett, Bóbert, Zoologie: Fiske. Med 5 plancher, 3 traesnit, og 1 kart.
Christiania 1880. 4 o .
2. Tornoe, Nereides, Chemie: I. Om lüften i sovandet. II. Om Kulsyren i so-
vandet. III. Om saltholdigheden af vandet i det norske Nordhav. Med
3 traesnit og 3 karter. Christiania 1880. 4°.
Norwegisches meteorologisches Institut, Christiania. Jahrbuch für 1878. 1879. 1880.
Herausgegeben von N. Mohn. Christiania 1880. 1881. 4°.
Observatorio astronómico de Quito. Boletín, publicado por Juan B. Menten. Año I,
Número 2—6. Año II, Número 1—3. Quito. 8 o .
Observatorio de Marina, San Fernando. Anales del Instituto y Observatorio de Ma
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Don Cecilio Pujazon. Sección 2 a Observaciones meteorológicas. Año 1877.
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Observatorio do Infante D. Luiz, Lisboa. Observances das estañóos internacionaes
Portuguezas segundo o plano adoptado no Congresso meteorológico de Vienna
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Boletín meteorológico. 1880. 1881. (Lisboa.) 8 o .
Observatorio Meteorológico Central, México. Revista Mensual Climatológica. Tomo I,
1881, Enero, Marzo—Octubre. México 1881. 82. 4°.
Observatoire Royal de Bruxelles. Annuaire, 1880 et 1881. Bruxelles 1879. 80. 16°.
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Bulletin météorologique. 1880, Juillet—Décembre. 1881, Janvier—Décembre.
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Courbes fournies par le Météorographe gravear van Byssélberqhe 1880.
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Königl. Niederl. Meteorolog.
Institut, Utrecht.
Herren Negretti u. Zambra,
Herr Professor Dr. Neu-
mayer, Hamburg.
Herr Hugo Michaelis,
Herr Rümker, Direktor der
Sternwarte, Hamburg.
Herr Professor Dr. N. Mohn,
Observatorio de Marina,
San Fernando.
Observatorio do Infante
D. Luiz, Lisboa,
Meteorologisches Zentral-
Observatorium, Mexico.
Observat. Roy. de Bruxelles,