- foreshore vegetation
- pelagic and demersal fish communities in the Wadden Sea
- stock sizes of common seals and harp seals in the Wadden Sea
- intensity of different Wadden Sea uses, e.g. fishing effort and landings, coastal protection
For reasons of feasibility, most investigations concentrate on representative main research
areas and are made on different spatio-temporal scales depending on the phenomena
concerned, i.e. topographic studies at intervals of several years, and seasonal processes several
times a year. In keeping with the interdisciplinary approach, a wide variety of different
methods are used, ranging from aerial to field-biological surveys.
Products and services
The products are reports on individual subjects which also include charts. A data base
containing most of the relevant information is currently being developed. Data holding will be
decentralized, so that information can be retrieved regionally for the area of Lower-Saxony or
for the tidal flats areas of Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein. Access via the World Wide Web
(WWW) will be possible, and realization is scheduled for 1999. A precursor is the EU funded
DEMOW AD module which has been operationalized as a prototype.
Contribution by Landesamt fiir Natur und Umwelt Schleswig-Holstein
(LANUSH), Flintbek
- Regional Agency for Nature and the Environment -
Physical, chemical and biological long-term monitoring of the North Sea and Baltic Sea
The activities of LANU SH are listed in the attached Table.
The programmes are implemented using the results of the BLMP contribution of Schleswig-
Holstein for the North Sea and Baltic Sea. The objectives correspond to those listed in the
BSH-P1 programme under 1) to 4).