BFA-Pl Structure and function of marine ecosystems
composition of the fish fauna off East and West Greenland
investigations of Antarctic krill and zooplankton
- impacts of fisheries on the North Sea ecosystem
mechanisms affecting long-term trends of reproduction success and recruiting of cod:
consequences for fisheries management
- investigations into reproduction ecology of commercial fish stocks and ecological patterns
in the Baltic
biological studies and stock assessment of important fishery species in the Baltic
BFA-P2 Investigation and biological monitoring of fish stocks
larval surveys to estimate year-class strengths and stock recruitment of commercially
exploited fish stocks
German/Dutch/Belgian crustacean and juvenile fish surveys
BFA-P3 Fisheries oceanography
fisheries oceanography of Greenland waters
oceanography of the Antarctic krill distribution area
fisheries oceanography of EU waters
BFA-P4 Estimating sustainable catch quantities, biological monitoring of fishing
activities, and proposal of protective measures
stock surveys of Greenland cod, redfish and other commercial fish species off Greenland
and in the NAFO areas 1, 2, and 3
stock surveys of cod, saithe, haddock, redfish and other commercial fish species in the
Northeast Atlantic (areas I, II, VT a-b, Vb)
surveys of commercial fish stocks of the periantarctic islands and Antarctic pensinsula to
assess their commercial potential
stock surveys of the pelagic fish species herring, mackerel, horse mackerel, sprat, smelt
stock surveys of the roundfish species cod, whiting, haddock, saithe
stock surveys of the flatfish species sole, plaice, turbot