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Full text: 42: Fifth Workshop on Baltic Sea Ice Climate Hamburg, Germany

Wednesday, 31 August 
13:00-14:00: Welcome Coffee, Poster hang up 
14:00-14:15: Welcome 
14:15-14:30: Historic review on Baltic Sea Ice Workshops 
14:30-15:00: Invited lecture: Sea ice regime in the Bohai Sea in 
comparison to the Baltic Sea ice regime 
15:00-15:30: Invited Lecture: Arctic Shelves sea ice regimes 
15:30-16:00: Coffee 
16:00-16:30: On climate variations in the Baltic Sea 
during the Little Ice Age (1300-1880) 
16:30-17:00: Changes of Sea Ice Conditions in Poland 
and the Baltic Sea from 16 till 18 century 
17:00-17:15: Short poster introductions: 
17:15-18:30: Reception 
Thursday, September, 1 
8:30- 9:00: Morning Coffee 
9:00- 9:30: Lake ice spectral and integral optics: Finland 
and Estonia 2004-2005 
9:30-10:00: Sea ice remote sensing at high resolution in 
the Baltic sea - a comparison of optical and microwave 
sensor data 
10:00-10:30: Coffee 
10:30-11:00: Using AMSR-E 89 GHz Channels for Sea Ice 
Remote Sensing in Regional Seas 
11:00-11:30: Sea ice station off Umea, winter 2005 
11:30-12:00: Ice dynamics in the Bothnian Bay as inferred 
from ADCP measurements 
12:00-14:00 Lunch 
14:00-14:30: Land fast sea ice micro-organism succession, 
a 3-year time series from Santala Bay Hanko, SW coast 
of Finland 
Corinna Schrum 
Matti Leppäranta 
Bing Cheng, Wu Huiding 
Ingo Harms 
Anders Omstedt, 
Christin Pettersen 
Marzenna Sztobryn 
Natalija Schmelzer, 
Lars Axell 
Ants Erm, Jari Uusikivi 
Matti Leppäranta 
Lars Kaleschke 
Gunnar Spreen 
Matti Leppäranta 
Christian Nohr, 
Göran Björk, 
Bo G. Gustafsson, 
Amund E.B. Lindberg 
Karrell Kimmo

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