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Full text: 41: Tsunami - a study regarding the North Sea coast

<n< xt partial solutions for 
u iat solution in an internal spatial area 
M int ’ M int partial solutions for u iaL 
U Ursell parameter 
v water velocity 
v h - horizontal component 
v v - vertical component 
V + ,V 
„transport velocity “ 
vertical current velocity 
horizontal Cartesian coordinate 
vertical Cartesian coordinate 
gravitational potential 
tidal potential 
surface elevation 
partial solutions for /7 
initial surface elevation 
îJq ,t]q partial solutions for r] 0 
t] b solution at the boundary of external and internal domain 
H ext solution in an external spatial area 
VL, V~ ext Partial solutions for rj^ 
tj m solution in an internal spatial area 
VL’*!* partial solutions for tj m 
k dissipation coefficient 
2Ù earth’s angular velocity 
p water density 
p Q reference density of water 
a bottom slope 
V Nabla 
V h - horizontal component

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