Fig. 5.3.1: Transformation at the continental slope (linear Boussinesq equations, ij surface
elevation, h undisturbed water depth, 10.5: PEDpT)
In the continued simulation using linear Boussinesq equations (Fig. 5.3.1, 10.5: PEDpT),
intensification of the leading signal with decreasing depth (shoaling) prevails over weakening
due to dispersion as the tsunami travels into shallower water.
In comparison, consider the two-dimensional barotropic model of the North-East Atlantic in
section 7.2. As its analytical basis is hydrostatic non-linear equations, the topographic
modification of the propagation velocity is computed according to ^fgh . The model also
simulates the reduction of wave length ifghT with decreasing depth. As the model equations
include friction terms, T does not remain constant, and the simple linear estimation
L = T dee P *fgh f° r a sin 9 le wave is only approximately valid, as in real nature. In the model,
the height of the individual waves increases at the continental slope. However, local
increases are mainly due to superposition of single waves.
The energy balance in the model regarding reflection, non-linearity, and dissipation was not
explicitly considered. It is known, though, that the numerical approximation of analytical
equations and of non-linearities, in particular, has an influence on the magnitude of
All three approaches - linear hydrostatic equations, linear Boussinesq equations, and non
linear hydrostatic equations in numerical form - are barotropic modelling concepts. In
stratified media, tsunami may also cause internal waves, which will also be modified at the
continental shelf. Their forcing by tsunami has been studied by Hammack (1974).
5.4 Modification and attenuation on the continental shelf
5.4.1 Modification
On the shelf, barotropic equations provide an adequate description for the transformation
and propagation of tsunami because bottom friction in this area causes strong mixing in the
water column. In the continuation to the Pedersen simulation (10.5:PEDpT) using linear
Boussinesq equations, the change in bottom topography is modelled after the depth
distribution off Portugal, where the shelf is narrow, unlike in the North Sea. The depth profile
on the entire shelf shows a slope of 500 m per 50 km, i.e. Ah:L b =1:100. On the shelf,
nearly all partial waves of the simulated tsunami (Fig. 5.2.1) are long waves (h/L<< 0.05),
and the influence of frequency dispersion is very low. Fig. 5.4.1 shows primarily a further
reduction of wave length and an increase in the wave height of the leading signal due to the
decrease in undisturbed depth (shoaling).