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Marine Chemistry 
Nordseezustand 2004 
Fig. 3-27: Accumulated areal ice volume for the German North Sea coast during 1897 - 2004.. 
Fig. 3-28: Seasonal near-surface and -bottom salinity distributions in 2004 106 
Fig. 3-29: Salinity stratification in summer 2004 (RV Gauß, Cruise #425) 107 
Fig. 3-30: Trajectory of a Norwegian profiling Argo-float drifting about the transition zone to 
wards the North Atlantic. Marked positions are about 10 days apart in time and refer to the 
profiles recorded during ascents from Aug, 13 to Dec, 1 2003 (cf. Fig. 3-32). FIC and FSC de 
note British CTD stations in the Fair-Isle Current and Faroe-Shetland Channel (cf. Fig. 3-31). 
Fig. 3-31: Salinity anomalies in the >Faroe Shetland ChanneU and >Fair Isle Currents Departures 
from 1971 - 2000 base period means; FSC-anomalies are scaled by factor 3. For a location 
map cf. Fig. 3-30, p. 109. (Redrawn from Figs. 32 & 36, ICES 2005.) 110 
Fig. 3-32: Salinity profiles as recorded during fall 2003 by a Norwegian float drifting about the 
transition zone towards the North Atlantic (cf. Fig. 3-30, p. 109). Climatology (1900- 1998) 
and95%-bandafterGouretskiandKoltermann(2004) Ill 
Fig. 3-33: Annual runoff of Elbe River at Neu-Darchau weir with long-term mean (1971 -2000) 
and 95 %-limits. 1 km 3 /a is equivalent to 31.7 m 3 /s. (Data courtesy WSA-Lauenburg.) ..112 
Fig. 3-34: Monthly mean and maximum runoff of Elbe River in 2004 at Neu-Darchau weir to 
gether with 1971 -2000 base period monthly means and 95%-band (climatology ±1.96 
standard deviations). 1000 m 3 /s are equivalent to 2.592 km 3 /month. (Data courtesy of WSA- 
Lauenburg.) 112 
Fig. 3-35: Seasonal cycle 2004 of monthly mean SSS at Flelgoland Roads together with monthly 
extremes, 1971 - 2000 base period monthly means and 95%-band (climatology ± 1.96stan- 
dard deviations) 113 
Marine Chemistry 
Fig. 4-1: Phosphate, Silicate, Nitrate, and Nitrite distributions (jumoi/L) in surface water in winter 
2004. Note log 2 color scale (except for POj) 120 
Fig. 4-2: Silicate to phosphate ratio (M/M) in near-surface and -bottom water in winter 2004 
(note log 2 color scale) 121 
Fig. 4-3: Geographical distributions (jumoi/L) of phosphate, silicate, nitrate and nitrite in the 
German Bight in March 2004 122 
Fig. 4-4: Salinity distribution in near-surface sea water of the German Bight in March 2004. ... 
Fig. 4-5: Time series of wintry nutrient concentrations estimated for salinity 30, typical of coast 
al waters in the German Bight. Prediction limits are depicted as 95% bars. Reference concen 
trations from 1936 shown where available 126 
Fig. 4-6: Phosphate concentration (jumoi/L) in near-surface and -bottom water of the North Sea 
in summer 2004 (note log 2 color scale) 128 
Fig. 4-7: Nitrate concentration (jumoi/L) in near-surface and -bottom water of the North Sea in 
summer 2004 (note log 2 color scale) 128 
Fig. 4-8: Silicate concentration (jumoi/L) in near-surface and -bottom water of the North Sea in 
summer 2004 (note log 2 color scale) 129 
Fig. 4-9: Ammonium concentration (jumoi/L) in near-surface and -bottom water of the North 
Sea in summer 2004 (note log 2 color scale) 129 
Fig. 4-10: Nitrite concentration (jumoi/L) in near-surface and -bottom water of the North Sea in 
summer 2004 (note log 2 color scale) 130

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