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Full text: 39E: Storm Surges in the Southern Baltic Sea

Characteristic features of both of these two storms which led to the high water levels 
described above were the direct impact of an onshore wind blowing rather steadily from 
northerly directions and their long fetch, although wind speeds of 9 Bft were reached only 
The response of the coastal water was nearly uniform along the entire southern coast, and 
culmination values occurred nearly simultaneously. There was no shift of phase as is usually 
observed when a disturbance is accompanied by a sharp wind shear (e.g. in a low-pressure 
centre moving along the coast). 
Referred to the reference level indicator for 17 January (537 cm), these two surges lasted 
from 50 hours in Wismar to 68 hours in Kotobrzeg, and in relation to that for 20 January (535 
cm) from 31 hours in Wismar to 37 hours in Kotobrzeg.

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