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Full text: 39E: Storm Surges in the Southern Baltic Sea

October 1986 
Wismar Warnemünde —s— Sassmitz —— Swinoujécie —•— Kotobrzeg 
Fig. 6.7.2. Sea level changes during the storm surge of October 1986 
6.8 January 1987 
Meteorological situation 
In a low-pressure trough adjoing the western edges of a high-pressure ridge (1030 hPa) over 
Scandinavia, an active low-pressure centre formed over the Skagerrak in the early hours of 8 
January. Moving slowly southeastwards, the low continued to deepen. The frontal system 
connected with this low reached the coasts of the southern Baltic Sea in the afternoon and 
advanced south-southeast across Poland on 9 January (Fig. 6.8.1.). 
Fig. 6.8.1. Route of the low-pressure centre between 03 UTC on 8 January and 18 UTC on 9 
January; pressure pattern at 03 UTC on 9 January 1987 and the accompanying wind field 
over the southern areas of the Baltic Sea.

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