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Nordseezustand 2003 
List of Tables 
Atmospheric Physics 
Table 2- 7: Calendar of daily weather types in 2003. Red: C & CDIR; Blue: A & ADIR; Bold (+, ++j: 
Gale (severe, very severe) 32 
Table 2-2: Contingency table of weather types in 2003 (%) 32 
Table 2-3: Calendar of daily weather types in 2002. Red: C & CDIR; Blue: A & ADIR; Bold (+, ++j: 
Gale (severe, very severe) 33 
Table 2-4: Contingency table of weather types in 2002 (%) 33 
Physical Oceanography 
Table 3-1: Calendar of daily circulation patterns in the German Bight in 2003 57 
Table 3-2: Wave height statistics (model data, all entries in m) 56 
Table 3-3: Censored percent frequency distribution of observed wind speed and direction at li 
ght vessel >Deutsche Bucht< In 2003 58 
Table 3-4: As Table 3-3, but for DWD model data (WAM-Forclng) 58 
Table 3-5: As Table 3-3, but for windsea (WAM-Model, DWD) 58 
Table 3-6: Percent frequency distribution of significant wave height (5WH) near Helgoland 
(waverider data, no wave direction) 67 
Table 3-7: Monthly wave statistics 2003: Waverider at Helgoland vs. WAM-Model at position 
>UF5 DB<. 5WH = significant wave height. 67 
Table 3-8: Monthly statistics 2003: Windspeed and significant wave height (5WH) at position 
»Entenschnabel« (WAM-Model). 5F = stability factor. 62 
Table 3-9: Contingency tables summarizing Fig. 3-19.NE-S covers sector22.5°-202.5°. On ac 
count of different bin sizes for geostrophic wind velocity care should be used when compa 
ring intra-regime tables 76 
Table 3-10: Fractional North Sea area (%) with near-bottom salinity exceeding 35 (Atlantic wa 
ter) mit Winter NAO-Index (Loewe and Koslowski 1998) 89 
Marine Chemistry 
Table 4-1: Concentrations (pg/L) of lipophilic chlorinated hydrocarbons in sea water in August 
2003 131 
Table 4-2: CHC-concentrations in surface sediments of the estuaries of rivers Ems, Weser, and El 
be. Mean values in ¿ug/kg dry weight for 1999 - 2002 (Messprogramm Meeresumwelt2005). . 
Table 4-3: Concentrations ofn-Alkanes in North Sea sea water in August 2003 137 
Table 4-4: Linear correlation matrix for some PAH, salinity (S), and suspended particulate mat 
ter (SPM). Above main diagonal: correlation coefficients (r), below: accounted variance (r 2 ). 
Table 4-5: Mean concentrations (ng/L) oforganotin compounds at selected stations in the Ger 
man Bight for the period 1999 - 2002. Cf. Fig. 4-31, p. 148 for a station map 147 
Table 4-6: Regional average concentrations (ng/L) of some polar pesticides in the North Sea in 
August 2003. (LoD = Limit of Detection.) 153

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